how to help dogs in need

What A Difference A Day Makes

The day began like any other.

As he woke from his slumber and lifted his head, he felt the weight of that hated chain hanging from his neck.

He’d been hooked to that chain his entire life.  It was a part of him now.  He knew its limits, and he knew he couldn’t defeat it.  He had long since given up even trying to escape from its life-sucking weight.

But today would be different. 

Today, he would run free.

What a difference a day makes.

A single day can make all the difference in the world. Want proof? Read on... Click To Tweet

freedom for fido

What A Difference A Day Makes

My career in Corporate America was 33 years long.  I can count on one hand the number of days during that span where I felt I made a significant difference.  As much as I’d like to think otherwise, I was a cog in the machine.

In contrast, I’ve been retired for 5 1/2 years. I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count the number of days where I’ve made a difference that matters.

Making a difference. 

It’s become the driving force in a retirement I love.  It’s the thing I seek.  The thing I embrace.  The thing I’m most proud of.

Isn’t that what retirement should be about?

Today, the story of a few days from my retirement.

Days that demonstrate “What a difference a day makes.”  Days that hopefully give you inspiration for your retirement. Days to inspire you to make a difference with your remaining days.

Day 1:  Courage To Take The First Step

Her Mom had passed a few months earlier, and she’d been struggling to regain her stride.  She’d been a caregiver for years, and her “job” had ended unexpectedly when her Mom passed.  She realized, in hindsight, that caregiving had become her purpose in life.  Her purpose had ended, and she felt adrift.

What a difference a day makes.

In the late morning of Jan 1, 2019, she came across the following video on Facebook, where Mike Rowe featured an Oregon charity called Fences For Fido on his show, Returning The Favor. 

Her world was about to change in ways she never expected.

The video features a charity that builds free fences for low-income families with dogs in need (often on chains). As soon as the video ended, she said to her husband, “We should do that here!”

I could see the passion in her eyes.  Her excitement.  Her need to pursue this thing. 

I immediately agreed and encouraged her to take the first step. 

We talked about how we could make it happen.  My wife sent an email to Fences For Fido, which my wife and I found for this post and are sharing below:

Fortunately, they responded favorably and a wonderful 5-year mentorship was launched. They’ve been amazing and helped her learn the steps to launching a 501c3, as well as many other details along the way.

Our first step was deciding on a name.  We chose Freedom For Fido and were off and running.

What a difference a day makes.

Day 2: Changing A Life

Michelle has a prosthetic leg, but she’s never let that diminish her love for dogs.  Despite living at the top of a steep driveway, she dedicated herself to walking each of her 6 rescue dogs every day.

It was difficult, but the dogs deserved the best after all they’d been through.

We first became aware of her situation when we approached Billy, the owner of Evolutionary K9, a local dog training facility. Jackie and I had never built a fence in our lives and asked Billy if he’d be willing to teach us.  We also invited him to be on the new Board of Directors for Freedom For Fido.  Fortunately, he said yes to both.

As we prepared for our first build, we discussed how to find needy recipients for our free fences.  Billy knew Michelle from his work in the dog community and suggested we offer to build our first fence for her.  He contacted her and explained our new charity, and before long we were driving up her driveway to build our first fence.

I’m grateful that we took the time to document our first build in this YouTube video.  A few highlights worth noting:

  • 40-second mark: Michelle struggles to walk one of her dogs on that infamous driveway:
  • 3:00 mark:  The first moment of Freedom!  We’ve now done 124 builds, and it never gets old.
  • 5:05 mark:  Our first Thank You!  “This is just absolutely life-changing for me,” says Michelle.


When we first started Freedom For Fido, we thought it was going to be all about the dogs.  That all changed on the day we built Michelle’s fence.

As we listened to Michelle’s heartfelt gratitude, we realized it was about so much more.  We were helping people in need.  We were changing lives.  We were making a difference.

What a difference a day makes.

Day 3:  A Chance Encounter

I was walking out of Home Depot with a load of supplies for an upcoming fence build when I saw my friend Roger walking across the parking lot.   I had no idea our chance encounter would lead to one of the most successful initiatives the charity has undertaken.

What a difference a day makes.

As we were chatting, Roger made a proposal that changed our world.  It went something like this…

“I took up this realtor gig as a bit of a hobby in retirement, and it’s been successful beyond my wildest imagination.  I’d like to propose something.  I’d like to pay for your next fence build, but I’d also like to make a suggestion.  You and Jackie should consider setting up a “Fence Sponsorship” program where others could do the same.  People love what you’re doing and I think it’d be a good fundraising initiative.” 

I thanked Roger for his $1,000 donation and Jackie and I followed his suggestion to launch a Fence Sponsorship program.  (I can’t let this section go without providing you a link to our website.  If you’re interested in sponsoring a fence, or simply providing a small donation to help up help more dogs, you can donate here).

getting dogs off chains
Roger at his sponsored fence build

At our annual fundraiser last year, our MC pitched the Fence Sponsorship program throughout the event.  By the end of the evening, we had 18 folks who had agreed to be fence sponsors.  $18,000 of additional contributions were raised based on Roger’s suggestion, and we’re building fences as fast as we can build them as a result.

We’ve never really talked about the financial side of our charity, always trusting that God would provide.  The reality is that we spend a lot of money, and it would have been difficult to maintain our pace of building fences without that chance encounter with Roger. 

Perhaps the encounter wasn’t chance after all.

What a difference a day makes.

Day 4: The Day That Led To Today’s Post

In late February, we completed our 124th fence build, helping over 300 dogs in the process.

Our favorite moment at every build is the final moment of the build when the dogs are released and run free for the first time.  We call it “Freedom Day,” and it’s rewarding beyond words.  

To get a taste, just listen to all of the laughter from our volunteers when the dogs run free in the following video (it’s less than 3 minutes long, and I guarantee you it’s worth your time).

Despite participating in all of those Freedom Days, there was something special about Taurus (our 124th build).  When my wife and I did our “site visit” to determine the layout of the fence, my heart was broken even more than normal when we saw him on his chain. 

what a difference a day makes

His was the largest chain we’d ever seen, and I could only imagine the weight he felt when he woke up every morning with that weight hanging from his neck.  It led to my opening paragraph, which I’ll share again here…

The day began like any other.

As he woke from his slumber and lifted his head, he felt the weight of that hated chain hanging from his neck.

He’d been hooked to that chain his entire life.  It was a part of him now.  He knew its limits, and he knew he couldn’t defeat it.  He had long since given up even trying to escape from its life-sucking weight.

But today would be different. 

Today, he would run free.

What a difference a day makes.

After Taurus’ Freedom Day, I created a collage showing “Before” and “After” pictures and posted it on our Freedom For Fido Facebook Page.  As I looked at those two pictures, the scale of the impact we’re making hit home. It was then that I knew I had to write today’s post.

It was the moment I realized, “What a difference a day makes.”

what a difference a day makes when helping a dog

I hope my words express the depth of the inspiration I receive from using my time in retirement to give back to those in need. These are the most fulfilling days I’ve ever lived.  My life is better as a result, and I expect I’ll be finding ways to give back for the remainder of my life.

If you’re struggling to find joy in your retirement, I encourage you to get involved in charitable work.  Identify a need in your local area, and find a way to address it.  Visit a few websites for local charities, and pick one to volunteer with.

Make the decision now to dedicate one day of your life to doing something for others in need.

One day.

At the end of that day, I hope you realize for yourself…

What a difference a day makes.


If we live to age 85, we get the privilege of living for 31,046 days.

If you retire at age 63, you have 8,035 days left (25% of your life).

For the first 63 years of your life, you were forced by necessity to focus on yourself.  75% of your life has been expended by focusing on school, on your job, on that promotion.  By definition, you didn’t have the time freedom to focus on others like you do now that you’re retired.

Today, I’m encouraging you to take one day out of the 8,035 you have left and do something for someone in need.  Find a way to give back.  Focus on others over self.

If done well, I suspect you’ll learn something and your life will be better as a result.

The lesson you’ll learn?

What a difference a day makes.

 Your Turn:  Are you using any of your time to help others?  What’s your experience been? What advice would you give to others who are looking to get involved in making a difference? Let’s chat in the comments…


  1. Wow! Congratulations on a job well done Fritz! I can only imagine the joy felt when the dog got freed from the chain! You did good!!

  2. I never realized that many dogs are chained up like that. Our dog ran on a line off our clothes line and was taken for walks and “released” every Sunday in a rural area for a few hours. Good work with this be project too in terms our community building.

    I retire tomorrow! March 1. I do have a “honey do list” – and several other things I want to do personally- but I just finished my orientation at a men’s half way house for marginalized men. I am a musician in a band called RetroKings in Kingston ON. I was thinking of bringing my guitar as I volunteer and help along the mentor – mentee relationships. I am sure I and they will both learn a lot every “day”. Thank you.

    1. TOMORROW! Congrats on crossing “The Starting Line,” David. Ironic that you’re in Kingston – I spent a fair amount of time there during my career with Alcan/Novelis. Small world. I love your idea of using your guitar to help build mentee relationships. Take that first step, and see where it leads!

      1. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story. I literally had a lump in my throat while watching the video of those pups experiencing their new freedom. Such a wonderful thing you and your wife are doing!
        After working 46 years, I am in month 4 of retirement and loving every day. I discovered The Retirement Manifesto about 12 months prior to retiring and can tell you it most definitely helped me plan and prepare mentally for the transition.
        Thank you for that Fritz!

  3. Jackie is one of the most inspirational individuals I know. Her unselfish devotion to helping others is heart warming. Your whole hearted support of her passion for freeing dogs to live free is also an inspiration. Freedom for Fido is a wonderful story about making a positive difference in the lives of dogs and their people.

    1. She is a special lady, Curtis. As is your Genie. We’d love to have you come join us for a build sometime? We’ll need to schedule another lunch – it’s been too long!

  4. Fritz, I love how you and Jackie have dedicated your retirement for Fido. Your picture of the German shepherd frolicking about his fenced domain reminded me of my favorite childhood pet, a German shepherd named Leatherneck. What can I say my dad is a Korean War Era Marine veteran.

    My retirement is partially consumed as a volunteer docent at the Tampa Bay History Center. I love being a guide for students who are very impressionable and inquisitive. They get to learn the good and bad of history while having an exceptionally wonderful time. They learn about the growth and diversity of Florida which provides great satisfaction for the students and me. I simply love it! If you or your blog followers are in the Tampa Bay Area, please look me up. I can let up to 9 patrons in free. This is a secondary benefit for me with the first being of course the students.

    My advice to seeking ways to help others is to find what your passionate and enthusiastic about and share that with others. My undergraduate is in history, and I am a voracious reader of all things history, therefore, I found the perfect volunteer job for me.

    1. Funny you mention the German Shepherd – that’s one of my favorite pictures from our years with Fido. He was a great dog, and I’ve seldom seen one happier on Freedom Day. I love the name of your childhood pet, your dad had every right to be proud of his service in the Marines! Your work at the History Center sounds fulfilling. In addition to the love of German Shepherds, we both share a passion for history. I’ve been reading a lot of history books lately (most recent focus has been on David McCullough, I’m halfway through The Pioneers and have his book on John Adams in my bedside pile). I really enjoy reading about the people who shaped our country before we were alive.

  5. I woke up today and began my day by reading this heart felt story at breakfast. What outstanding fulfilling work, it’s nice to know there is still goodness in the world ! Thank for the story of your Journey and more importantly how you have impacted people and dogs lives !

    1. Sounds like a nice way to start your day. Thanks for making me a part of it!

  6. Fritz, you and Jackie are to be commended for starting Freedom for Fido. This is such a good work!!

    We are honored to be able to support Freedom for Fido financially, and when I retire in a couple of years we definitely plan on making the drive up to participate in a build!!


    1. We appreciate your generous support, Phil. Looking forward to the day you can join us on a build!

  7. Hey Fritz, thanks for sharing the work the charity does. Very inspirational. I have been fortunate to work in a job for the last 25 years where I make a difference everyday. I was a stay at home parent when my kids were little. I returned to the work force when they started school, I wanted to make sure that the time spent away from my family was worth it. I chose carefully and ended up as a children’s services librarian in the public library. I have been so very fortunate to provide early childhood education and literacy skills for the kids in our town. Everyday of my career has been a challenge but I know that I really do make a difference. My husband and I plan to retire in October of this year. We are looking forward to helping with grandkids, helping aging parents, church service and exploring the world through travel. I also love the idea of still serving our community. There are so many things to get involved in, from the soup kitchen to the senior center to the boys and girls club. I don’t yet know which thing will be best for me but I will certainly enjoy figuring that out as I serve. I admire you and your wife for taking on the running of a charity but I will be happy just being a small part of a bigger community effort to make our town a better place.

    1. M, you are blessed indeed to be able to make a difference in your working years. Kudos for choosing wisely when you decided to return to the work force. Congratulations on your upcoming retirement, I’m happy to hear doing charity work is high on your list of interests. Best of luck on your journey.

  8. Wow Fritz 124 fences. Very impressive. I can’t tell you the last time I saw a dog on a chain, maybe 50 years. I guess in your area people are using them for security. Get a rescue dog for free and if you can’t afford a fence, just put them on a chain. Sad that you need the security and sad for the pup. Making a difference indeed !

    1. Yeah, that number still amazes me. Everywhere we drive in our county, we seem to pass one of our fences. Rewarding work. You’re fortunate to not have dogs on chains in your neck of the woods. Unfortunately, it’s a common “cultural” reality of our area of Appalachia, but we’re making it better, one fence at a time.

    1. This is great Fritz. I just retired at 57. I’m not handy, but very capable of lifting, carrying, helping people. I wonder if you know if there are lists by state of volunteering options. Maybe even by county within a state. A list that categorized the opportunities in some way. Shelters, driving, physical work, contracting/building, animal care. It would make the prospect of volunteering less daunting. My friend told me of a veterans org that mans a vets lounge at Newark Airport, that I’m looking into. I guess that would be under the Veterans category in my list. 🙂

  9. Thank you for the post Fritz, it’s a great story of time well spent, and certainly an inspiration for me to do better. Your blog has always been a learning tool for me and you have helped me in my retirement journey in so many ways that you will never know. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you and Jackie, and thank you.

    1. Thanks for being a loyal reader, 31. One of the few who’s read every post, and I’ll always appreciate those select few. And…you’re welcome from the bottom of my heart. We’re blessed, indeed.

  10. Outstanding post to inspire others Fritz and Jackie!

    I feel that a major purpose in life should always prioritize others before yourself. I love that you pointed out that average retirees have about 25% of life remaining upon Starting Chapter 2 in their life. Lots of time for yourself and serving others.

    My heart is the fullest upon serving in any charity where I left after helping someone. I highly encourage others to serve in one to see if it fits in their wheelhouse. I believe we are going to get involved in helping the elderly improve their homes to make them more livable as they age. Starting Chapter 2, verse 4 in our lives! 😉

    God bless all of you who give of your time, talents and treasures, Steve

    1. Steve, thanks for your kind words. Your comment reminds me of a saying that was hanging on a huge fireplace at a Christian camp I attended as a child: “God First, Others Second, Self Third.” It always stuck with me. I suspect there’s a reason we have our “fullest heart” after serving. I believe we were built that way. Enjoy verse 4, I love the concept of helping the elderly age in place.

  11. Lovely post Fritz. The power of helping a community is unmeasurable, even on a part-time basis. During tax season I work with our local VITA office (Volunteers in Taxpayer Assistance) to prepare returns for the those earning under $70K with no farm income, crypto exchanges or business losses. In my town, we serve 600 folks each year. The next town north serves 800 and the organization’s principal town serves 1,000. Just volunteering for ten weeks a year is satisfying, especially for college age students away from home and our seniors. Our towns are a caring place to call home!

    1. MdH, yours is a great example of the flexibility of volunteering. I love how you can make a big impact for folks in need, but still have many months of Freedom after tax season to enjoy other cards in your hand. That’s one thing we really stress with our volunteers, “There’s a reason it’s called volunteering, never apologize for not being able to make a build.” Fortunately, the structure of our charity is flexible by design, and easier for volunteers to join when they have a free afternoon to help build a fence. It works well, and the fact that we have 200+ volunteers on our email list is a testament to the value of flexibility.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing this story. My heart swelled and my eyes teared up at the stories of freedom for these precious dogs. You have been so inspirational to me in my first year of retirement. Because of your advice and encouragement I have found a wonderful charity to devote time to. I live in Arkansas which is one of the top states for food insecurity. I found two wonderful organizations, the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank, and Feed Rogers food pantry, which provide food to those neighbors in need in the Northwest Arkansas area. I have been blessed to work with the wonderful employees and folks who benefit from these wonderful charities. I really feel that I make a difference when I see the gratitude in our neighbors faces when they receive the food. You are so right that our best days can be found in giving to others. Thank you so much for all you do for us retired and soon to be retired folks!!

    1. Jeanne, good for you for getting involved in food pantry charities. It’s a huge need here, as well, and we have quite a few friends who volunteer their time in that area. Rewarding, indeed. And, thanks for letting me know my words have been inspirational for you. I view my blog as a way to help others, and it’s rewarding when I receive positive feedback. Thanks for that!

  13. I appreciate your sharing and I too find it inspiring. I was lucky enough to be a teacher for 35 years, so always felt like I was contributing. Since retiring, I have been a full time caregiver for my husband who has dementia. Your post has helped me validate this current mission, and look to be as happy doing so as I was teaching. I also get a lot of satisfaction giving to some select charities. Thanks for your sharing.

    1. WH, sorry to hear about your husband. Being a full time caregiver is a tough call, I’m sure he appreciates all you do (even if he doesn’t communicate it as well as he wished he could).

  14. Love this post. As a matter of fact, I just submitted a grant application that would enable the group I am volunteering with to help eradicate invasive plants and restore native habitat. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment, though of course it would feel even better if we get the grant. I officially retired just a month or so ago, but I’d already begun a few years earlier looking for volunteer opportunities in my personal area of interest, environmental issues. I hope to have a long and fruitful second career in volunteer work.

    1. Fern, I love how your online name aligns so well with your passion. Nice move! Congrats on crossing “The Starting Line” a month ago, hope you’re enjoying life on this side of the line. PS: We’re in need of a grant writer, btw….hint hint. 🙂

  15. Love this post! I especially like how you captured both Jackie’s and the dogs’ joy in the Freedom Day video. So glad that together you and Jackie were able to start Freedom for Fido, and to inspire volunteers and donors to help you with your project. Many people have dreams about doing good in the world, but only a few have the drive (and luck) to be able to implement them.

    1. Sabine, it really is a joy to be doing something together with Jackie. We realize how blessed we are to have found a passion that we enjoy doing together in retirement.

  16. Fritz — wow, thanks so much for sharing. Really is inspiring that as I get “close” to being able to “make a difference” to really consider how to spend that time to do just that! So many places need dependable volunteers, what a way to give back in that last 25% of our time here on earth.

    1. Brent, great to hear from you, old friend. Who’d have thought back when we were playing together as boys that we’d be chatting on a blog site in our 60’s? Looking forward to seeing where you journey takes you from here…

  17. Fritz~ Inspiring post and thanks for sharing it. I’ve become a volunteer sub delivering “Meals on Wheels” to shut ins. I can’t express how much better I feel about myself and how fortunate I am to serve others. Giving today seems , so much better than receiving!!!!

    1. Marc, good for you! I’ve always been impressed with MOW and considered getting involved myself before Fido took off and consumed so much of my time. Giving is, indeed, better than receiving!

  18. Fritz,

    I am 63, and will be retiring, (again), this year. I first retired on 9/1/21, and with the stock market conditions that quickly followed, became very familiar with concept of sequence of returns risk. So a little over a year later, I put that chain back on, but this time it’s coming off for good!

    This was a blog that hit close to home, as I’ve been involved with canine rescue for a few decades. Back in 2000, I moved home to Minnesota from Texas, (I thought they had solved the winter issue; they hadn’t), and the first thing I did at my new residence was to build a fence around the backyard for my two dogs. It took awhile, I work best alone, and build things to last. In Minnesota, that means sinking fence posts below the frost line, so I hand dug each post hole 48″ in the ground. Then came the runners and the actual fence boards, and of course, they also had to be perfectly aligned. When all was said and done, probably three weeks after I started, I let my dogs run around, knowing they would be safe, and they loved it!

    I’m back in Texas, over two decades this time, but will be looking for some ways to give back, and fences and dogs might be my sweet spot!

    Thanks for a great blog; I tell everyone I know that is retired or getting ready to, to check you out!

    1. Jeff, it sounds like we’re ready to expand FFF into Texas – want to be our regional lead? Wink.

      Thanks for spreading the word about my blog, much appreciated. Congratulations on your upcoming “Freedom Day,” I know you’ll enjoy getting rid of your chain for good!

  19. Fritz,

    Congratulations to you and the wonderful Jackie for the work you do with Freedom for Fido. There is nothing more rewarding than working with dogs, particularly those who struggle for the basics in life. Your fence building provides them all a new lease on life and enables them to truly be dogs. Thank you!

  20. Fritz, you’re a better man than I. My first thought is “why does a low income person have a dog in the first place?,” and second, I would be a “less than pleasant” toward an owner that chains a dog outside with a heavy chain. I guess the lesson is that one has to focus on making the world a better place, controlling what we can vs. angry at what we cannot. I got a lot to learn from you…..

    1. Frank, trust me when I say that I’ve learned to be a lot more compassionate with our FFF work. I’ve learned to judge a lot less, and have been surprised by the caliber of our clients. Most are trying to be as responsible as they can with their dogs and choose to chain them to avoid having them run loose through the neighborhood. That said, there have been more than a few cases where I’ve had to bite my tounge so hard I thought I’d bleed….

  21. Wow, I didn’t expect to cry. But those videos of the dogs running free for the first time did it! Powerful. You and your wife are amazing and inspire me. Inspire me to look beyond myself and pray that God opens my eyes to those in need. I have always tried to do just that but know because of responsibilities, my job, and the hustle and bustle of the daily grind that sometimes I blindly walk past those in need–I just miss it. But with retirement approaching, I need to flex that muscle. I need to pay attention, open my eyes and heart to the quiet promptings of God. I need to see those in need and serve them. You are right, I can probably only think of a handful of days I might have made a difference at work. But my retirement will be a time to do just that–make a difference. Thank you for such a thought provoking post. Oh and next time, tell the reader if you are a softie for dogs or any small pets (we LOVE cats) have a box of Kleenex handy before watching those videos. Thanks Fritz!

    1. Sorry about making your cry. As a writer, I could ask for no greater compliment. Happy to hear the story inspired you to “flex that muscle,” mission accomplished!

  22. Fritz,
    Truly inspiring, Jackie is a person of action! I find that is one of the toughest things in the retirement transition identifying your purpose. Covid was certainly a variable that complicated the transition but none the less, it’s never too late to take action particularly during these go-go years when there is so much left in the tank to give back!! Here’s to the next fence and happy freedom for Fido!!!

    There is much joy in doing good what ever mission field we choose!


  23. Fritz,
    I’ve been following you for the last 6 years as I decided to walk away from Manufacturing Yesterday. It’s hard on the body and the hours are long. Those cars just don’t build themselves. I am fortunate to have a pension and had saved for this moment. Your post helps me find perspective in the time factor, even though I left at age 59 and over 30 years at one employer. The rest of my days will be looking for the best way to help others, especially dogs who give us everything and ask for so little. I hoping to many decades to come in service, quietly behind the scenes, knowing I did almost everything I could-I the dogs I love so much. Thanks for the inspiration!

  24. I love what you do and have been following you on Facebook. I have been involved in animal rescue for many years and the things we see are just heartbreaking. Besides our own personal dog (we lost two this past year, one being a German Shepherd and the other a Shepherd mix), we have a long-term foster (9 months yesterday!) and got a sick dog just over a week ago. The first few days with our sweet foster Murphy were filled with a lot of clean up, sleepless nights, and a trip to the ER but I wouldn’t change a thing. Murphy is feeling so much better now, and he is a complete joy. While we did foster while still working, retirement does make it much easier!! Before retiring I was a NICU nurse, caring for animals was a simple transition!

  25. Wow. Just wow. I’ve been a reader and listener stalking around the edges of the FI/RE community for years. I started where most of us do: doom scrolling the internet late one night, thinking there must be something more, and stumbling across an article that led me to the edge of the rabbit hole, and I jumped.

    And this. THIS article is the first that brought tears to my eyes. This is why we do what we do. This is why we strive. It always starts with math, but if we are relentlessly thoughtful, it ends with finding meaning and purpose, with becoming better humans. One day does indeed make so much difference.

    Thank you so much, for posting this, for sharing not only your skills but your heart. For every comment on a post, there are thousands more of us who learn and grow and probably never say a thing.

  26. Thanks for such an inspirational story. Your site is so helpful as I get ever closer to breaking my chain. All the best from an old friend at the 2 Alliance Center gym.

  27. It’s so wonderful what Jackie and you are doing. What a difference it makes for the dogs and their people too. The doggy’s life is transformed in an instant having the freedom to be a dog, romp around and experience the world. And their pet parents benefit a lot too. The videos show it. 🙂

    Purpose in life, but especially in retirement, is so important. Jackie clearly recognized that and is a great example of finding purpose and really making a difference. Inspiring others for sure. The volunteers get to experience it too. Giving back. Contributing to making the lives of dogs and people better. Love the idea of sponsoring a fence. Great way to raise more and help more people and dogs. Keep up the great work! It’s just amazing.

  28. I love that your wife found her passion in retirement and that you joined in. The difference you make is evident in the videos. That heavy chain kind of breaks my heart.

    My husband and I were fortunate enough to spend our entire careers making a difference in the lives of others. He in secondary education and me as a nurse. They were not high paying jobs, but they were very gratifying. We both loved our careers and felt like we made a difference every day in people’s lives, but it was emotionally exhausting. We were both pretty burned out when we retired and are taking some time to refresh ourselves.

    Thanks for what you are doing to make the world a better place!

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