#1 Contentment


A personal decision, that only I can make.

Today, I’m starting a blog.

This is the story of my journey, told in The Present before it becomes The Past. Click To Tweet

A journey to retirement.  A journey through my thoughts, dreams, concerns, and financial philosophy. All pondered and prayed on, and (often most productively) randomly sifted through my mind during those “quieter” times of the day. Lunchtime runs and commutes are beautiful things to stimulate your mind if you seek out the opportunity to THINK instead of just BE. So, I’m writing this only for me at this point, but I harbor a secret fantasy for what will eventually come of it (more on that later, when podcasts and blogs enter the picture…….)

I think.

A lot.

Currently, the “quest” (er, obsession?) has been centered around a predominant theme of “Early Retirement.” Every angle, you name it. Financial, sure? But after you ponder that for several months (years, really, if you’re a lifelong financial hobbyist like me) you start to think about what’s REALLY going to be important in retirement. The list is long, and I’m sure future blogs will dwell into each in due course.

So, summarizing all my thoughts over the last 24+ months of some fairly serious introspection leads to this one word:

noun  a state of happiness and satisfaction

Personal choice of mindset: It’s the root that will drive the entire experience. I am deciding now to focus on the things in the light of contentment. If Paul can be content in an undeserved prison (ponder that one for 10 minutes), how can I chose to be any less content than he, regardless of what situation God has in mind for me?

“I, choose to be content.”

For results, stay tuned.

Written April 10, 2015


  1. I agree contentment is very important, it’s an essential part to the wealth building journey. If people spend every dollar they have, and every dollar you can get finanaced on bright shiny things, they’ll never have money to save! Thanks for sharing so much, I look forward to catching up on your content!

  2. I am so glad I came across your blog, thanks for writing it. I am working my way through all the posts one by one. I have just started on the path to FI and there’s a long road ahead of me. As a Christian I also struggle with the concept of accumulation of wealth in this quest for FI. As a person who loves giving, targeting a high savings rate (50%+) and ‘hoarding’ money just doesn’t feel natural – at least it has not in the last 3 months after discovering FI. Well at least now I know what we spend on the rest of our household budget.

    What you said about deciding whats important post-FIRE is spot on – the possibility of FI and eventually retiring from the rat race has forced me to critically think of how I can use my time wisely when FI is attained.

    I am also trying to not obsess about FI too – its easy to let it take over every waking thought and influence nearly every financial decision! But the upside is that I am far more financially literate today than I would have been if it were not for the FI quest. Since I have always wanted to blog and have been educating myself about the Indian markets, I have just set up my own blog. Keep writing, I am enjoying your refreshingly honest posts!

    1. Working through all of my posts?? Wow, good thing there’s a long road ahead of you for FI, it’ll take you some time to read 2 years worth of posts!! I agree the “balance” between working toward FI while also being generous can present challenges. I think the real question is where your “heart” is. You’re being self aware, and that’s the key. Maintain your balance, and realize the journey is long.

      Thanks for your kind words about my blog, and I’m glad it’s brining value to you!

  3. You hit the nail on the head! Contentment is the key to happiness, before or after retirement. Even more critical after retirement. The best piece of advice my dad gave me is “Be happy with what you have, there will always be someone with more than you and there will always be someone with less than you”.

    This does not mean no ambition or not working hard. Contentment is not about not trying to advance things, but a state of mind that appreciates what you already have.

  4. What a spectacular journey it has been Fritz! Now the real story begins ….. retirement!

  5. This is glorious! Happy blogging birthday my friend. I can’t believe your first post was this perfect, guess that means I need to go back and read from the beginning. Glad to be able to follow you on this journey and recommend your site to many of my friends. There are many voices in the FIRE blogosphere, but none are quite like yours.

  6. I couldn’t agree more. I appreciate your use of scripture and the platform you built with it in your first post. 1Timothy 6: 6-10 is another great scripture that really is a solid base to start a journey toward financial independence. We are where you were 3 years ago and I have to say your first post is an inspiration and a motivation to continue down this same path.

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