is depression

Why 28% of Retirees Are Depressed

It’s not something we talk about very often, but we should.

I talked about it recently with a man who had been a professional basketball player.  He even played in the Olympics.  He was a star.  And then, he was forced into retirement.  Many retirees are depressed, and those who are forced into retirement are especially prone to experiencing the challenge of depression.

I’ve always been intrigued by life after professional sports, and it was a fascinating discussion.

When he retired from basketball, he faced the same reality most of us face when we retire.

We aren’t as special as we thought we were. 

People come, and people go.  As much as we prefer to think otherwise, we’re essentially a gear in the machine that can (and will) be replaced. The world of basketball is doing quite well without him. Just as the world of aluminum is doing quite well without me, thank you very much.

The reality that you’re no longer the expert you thought you were is one of the reasons many retirees are depressed.  

Depression is an unexpected reality for many when they retire, yet it seldom gets the attention it deserves.

I’m hoping to change that with this post.

Today, we’re looking into why so many retirees are depressed, and what you can do about it if you find yourself among the 28% who report being depressed in retirement.

The professional basketball player wasn't prepared for life after his career ended. It's true for most of us, and often leads to depression in retirement. Click To Tweet

depression in retirement

Why 28% of Retirees Are Depressed

The discussion with the basketball player (who will go unnamed to protect his identity) was arranged by a mutual friend, who happens to be a reader of this blog.  I had a great chat with him and enjoyed his perspective on the reality of depression in retirement.  Fortunately, he’s found his path forward and is now working with a firm that advises other professional athletes on how to prepare for their inevitable retirements.  He’s eager to learn and asked some great questions, and I’ve no doubt he’s found a place where he will contribute and help others.

It’s easy to envision depression among retired professional athletes.  After all, they’ve been on top of the world, and it’s easy to get the perception that your best days are behind you.

But what about the rest of us?

I found a fascinating study titled Prevalence of Depression in Retirees: A Meta-Analysis that sheds some light on the realities of how many retirees are depressed. (Shout-out to Benjamin Brandt’s Every Day is Saturday for making me aware of the study.)

Depression is a serious problem, with the WHO reporting 300 million people suffering worldwide, the primary reason for the 800,000 suicides committed every year (sources from the study cited above).  The study broke down the data from previous studies to compile their results on depression in retirement, and the findings are worth noting.

Key Findings on Depression in Retirement

To save you the effort of reading the entire report, I’ve summarized the key findings below:

  • 28% of retirees suffer from depression, or almost 1/3 of all retirees.
  • The highest prevalence of depression is among people forced into retirement, either due to downsizing or illness.
  • The uncertainty of the retirement transition results in retirees being more susceptible to developing mental health issues than the general population.
  • Commitment and support from family members reduce the risk of experiencing depression during retirement (from the report: “the greater the level of social support, the lower the incidents of depression”).

I also cited additional studies in my post, Will Retirement Be Depressing, in which I cite the following facts:

  • Retirement increases the probability of depression by 40%. 
  • For some, retirement diminishes well-being by removing a large portion of one’s identity.  For years, your job was an easy answer to the frequent question “What do you do?”. With retirement, that identity is gone.
  • 60% of folks retire earlier than they had planned, which can increase the risk of depression
  • When people have spent the majority of their time fostering relationships with co-workers at the expense of people outside the workplace, there is a natural sense of isolation following the move into retirement.

The Bottom Line:  Retirement is a big adjustment, with the loss of many of the non-financial benefits once received from the workplace (sense of identity, purpose, relationships, structure, etc) coming as a surprise to many.  The unexpected loss of these benefits often leads to a difficult transition, which frequently leads to depression.  Fortunately, the majority of the depression highlighted in the study was not severe, and most retirees work through it with time.

Recommendations For Dealing With Depression in Retirement

Given the increased risks faced during the retirement transition, the report summarized recommendations they had found in the studies they researched (bold added by me):

“For this reason, some of the articles included in this review suggest that health professionals must implement programs intended to evaluate and help people in this period of their lives…helping individuals in their search for new activities that motivate them, to encourage them to participate in community groups, to help them build the necessary will power to face the new situation, and to find activities that improve their self-esteem.”

Those highlighted terms are critical, and worth repeating:

  • search for new activities that motivate you
  • participate in community groups
  • strengthen your willpower to face the realities of retirement
  • find activities that improve your self-esteem.

While those four bullet points are powerful, I felt the study could have provided more advice for folks who find themselves depressed in retirement. As I researched suggestions to address depression in retirement, other common themes became obvious.  Below are two specific sources, with their recommendations as an example:

New Retirement:  Retirement Depression: 9 Tips for Combating This Very Common Syndrome

  1. Seek Help
  2. Find Purpose
  3. Develop Your Own Schedule/Routine and Stay Social
  4. Slide into Retirement, Don’t Make it an Abrupt Transition
  5. Volunteer
  6. Work
  7. Do What Makes You Happy
  8. Stay Physically Active
  9. Get a Dog

I cited Benjamin Brandt’s Every Day is Saturday newsletter earlier (it’s where I found the study).  In that newsletter, Brandt suggested the following:

  1. Ease into it, if possible.
  2. Stick to a schedule.
  3. Stay connected with friends and colleagues.
  4. Give back to the community.

Finally, in my previous articles on the topic (Will Retirement Be Depressing, The Dark Side of Retirement) as well as in Chapter 3 (Hidden Challenges) of my book, I offered my suggestions for how to deal with depression in retirement, summarized below:

  1. Plan for the non-financial elements of retirement in your final few years of work (studies have shown a direct correlation between the amount of time planning and the ease of the transition).
  2. Develop alternative means to replace the non-financial benefits of work before you retire.
  3. Focus on your physical fitness (it helps your head as much as your heart).
  4. Build a bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish in retirement.
  5. Do some soul-searching before you retire on what really matters to you in life.
  6. Be social, and build a network of “retirement friends” before you retire.
  7. Experiment with various levels of structure in your retirement.
  8. Get engaged with a charity.
  9. Start a Retirement Mastermind Group.
  10. Don’t be afraid to seek help (start with
  11. Find a new sense of Purpose.
  12. Focus on your Spirituality.

The good news is, most retirees work through the depression in time.  In our latest study on Retirement Blind Spots, it’s worth noting that the happiest folks in the survey were those who had been retired for more than two years.  This fact was also highlighted in an Age Wave study I reviewed in an earlier article, posted again here for your encouragement:

Yes, retirement is a big transition. 

While it’s true that almost a third of retirees are depressed, the good news is that it’s typically a mild form and most folks work their way through it as part of the transition through the “messy middle” stage.  If you’re struggling with depression in retirement, I hope the numerous tips offered above are of help.  The strongest recommendation I can make (credit to my teacher, Joe Rubbo, who I discuss in my book) is to seek help if you need it.  Don’t be too proud to admit you’re having a hard time with the transition to retirement.  There are experts who are willing to help.


28% of retirees are depressed.

That’s a shockingly high number and far too little is written about the problem.  While I’ve written on the topic of depression several times now, I felt another post was appropriate.  

  • Perhaps it was my discussion with that professional basketball player.
  • Perhaps it was the Prevalence of Depression in Retirement study I just read.
  • Perhaps it was because you needed to hear it.

Whatever the reason, it felt like a topic that deserved more attention.  Unlike my previous posts, today’s article dedicates more content to recommendations you can use if you’re struggling with depression.  

If you’re among the 28% of retirees who are struggling with depression, I hope the suggestions are of help.  I wrote them with you in mind.

Your Turn:  Are you struggling with depression during your transition to retirement?  Did you struggle in the past, but found a way to work through it?  What tips do you have for others who are struggling with depression?  Let’s chat…


  1. “Ease into it, if possible.”

    I highly recommend this strategy. I went to 20 hours a week 6 years ago and gave up my big-wig manager position, but it was the right move. I did lose some identity and meaning at work with that move, but I was still able to throw my seniority and expertise around from a different position. It eased the blow. And when I saw a younger ‘kid’ step in and fill my old job and do an okay job (not as good as me though, lol), it reminded me that I’m just another cog in the wheel. I’m still trying to solidify my new identity as a graphic designer and marginally talented masters athlete, it’s a slow process. But it gives me meaning and great purpose. Great post

    1. Dave, you’re a great example of how to successfully implement the “Ease Into It” strategy. Thanks for sharing your learnings on your awesome blog, one of my “must-reads” every time a new post comes out.

  2. Very helpful blog Fritz – I remember going through a period of depression early in my retirement years. I didn’t expect it, so was a bit of a shock. Took a bit to work through however the bucket list (aka Dump Truck List) and volunteering were super helpful. Every now and again a small bit of depression (or boredom) occasionally still hits however building skills to quickly dig your way back out is super helpful. For me, looking back over photos of some of the bucket list things we’ve completed is super helpful or just taking a weekend backpacking trip and getting out works well. Thanks for all you do Fritz – you’re always working to share your learning and we appreciate it.

    1. Kirk, great to see you stopping by, old friend! I agree that “building skills to quickly dig your way back out” is a learned skill, and a great addition to the discussion. We’ll have to meet midway for lunch again soon, it’s been too long.

  3. Encouraging that depression seems to decrease after a few years of transitioning into retirement. Any stats on percentage of non-retired people that report being depressed? I’m curious how the 28% compares to that.

    1. Good question, Mark. Only thing I know is what I just Googled…depends on the source, but looks like depression % across all Americans is ~7 – 10%.

  4. Another good article as I work on “rewiring” vs “retiring” at this stage of my transition from an industry that I had been part of for 30+ years. The bulk as an independent sales rep and being “a cog” that I perceived as special because of the “front facing” role I had with an international company and “running” pending the year the #1 key market. I was spoiled and getting complacent then the company gets bought and the new owners cancelled all outside sales contracts. Oops :). Then three months later Hurricane Ian slams what would have been the “snowbird” house and “bam” a huge life reset begins at 61. Zooming out and gaining perspective has been helpful along with resiliency. HOPE = goals, agency, and pathways. So I mind the GAP daily and am creating a beautiful life in the mountains.

    1. Wow, that was a rough couple of months! Glad you’re taking the bigger picture perspective and working through the shock wave. One good thing about life in the mountains, no need to worry about those hurricanes…wink.

  5. An important post Fritz.
    Retirement shock aka depression is the real deal. I suffered from it as my father did and I had a good friend drink himself to death because of it.
    That is why we wrote our book “Longevity Lifestyle By Design” and decided to give it away for free to everyone. I don’t want them to end up in retirement hell like I did.
    The book explains why retirement risk happens- who is at higher risk of getting it and how to deal with it.
    The link to the book is below

    1. Thanks, Mike. I read your book and found it to be very meaningful and well done! I’ve been retired about 7 months and am enjoying the experience while acknowledging I may be in the “honey moon” period.

      1. Enjoy it while it lasts Bruce! My honey moon period only lasted a few short weeks before things fell apart.

    2. Mike, I love your work and appreciate your generosity in sharing your book for free. I thought of you as I wrote this post, especially the “higher risk” section about folks who lose their jobs unexpectedly. It’s admirable that you’ve done so much to share your story for the help of others following in your footsteps, hopefully you’ll avoid someone else drinking themselves to death (a very sad reality for some, sorry to hear a good friend of yours suffered that fate). I value your friendship, and thank you for stopping by. Still smile when I think of that pic you posted recently of that crazy ride you did on your stationary bike (and, a bit envious of your big screen…)

      1. Thanks Fritz my mission is to help as many people as possible avoid ending up in retirement hell like I did and based on the stats you quoted I have a lot of work to do. One in three people will get shingles something most retirees are aware of yet not many are aware that one in three retires will suffer from depression.
        ps never ride 220k in your basement – I’m still trying to recover from that one!

  6. Excellent work here Fritz! Of all the things I did in advance of Retiring into new work and routines that interest me was to identify my “Drivers”. The book “Don’t Retire- REWIRE!” Provides the exercise to help sort through this. You are Awesome Fritz!

    1. Thanks for the mention of that book. I’ve not read that one yet, but have heard good things. As for being awesome, I just hope my wife reads your comment. 😉

    2. Thanks for a another great and important post Fritz. I too read the list of drivers from the “Don’t Retire-REWIRE” book and thought it was extremely helpful to helping me sort through what I needed to “refill”. I also found a value in knowing what I didn’t want to do. But it was a process — although I didn’t really expect it to be one. Building awareness for others will help them meet the challenges.

  7. Great Post!
    Many of us retired into the COVID FOG…
    I think this situation aggravated the frustration of a large number of retirees in getting traction through the retirement transition.
    Last night at my (another milestone) birthday dinner, my adult daughter gave me a card that crystalized my current mindset goal after spending the past 6 months working through our parents’ health issues and losing a loved one.
    Those three words at the end of her note were, “Get to Living!”…it was quite insightful and a needed perspective.
    Preparing for Retirement mentally, emotionally, and running the numbers certainly helps with the transition, but walking out the door and leaving it all behind, truly is a stark life change that cannot be overstated. Preparation is wise. I certainly agree with Dave, if you can “Ease into it” the transition can be much more controlled and gradual.

    1. You have a wise daughter. 😉

      Sorry to hear about the challenge of working through your parents’ health issues and losing a loved one. I can relate, unfortunately it’s a real challenge many of us Boomers have had to deal with. Combined with COVID, I agree we’ve had our share of challenges.

      As a wise person once said, it’s time to “Get to Living!”

  8. Another great and timely important topic for current and future retirees to be aware of and especially plan for!

  9. 28% is closer to 1/4th of retirees than it is to 1/3rd. Which means almost 3/4’s of retirees are depression free, and that’s a large majority of happy people. I would have guessed it was much higher since so many people are just plain bad at doing life, regardless of employment status. Personally my retired years are awesome so far, even better than a fun career was.

    1. Fair point, Steve. I had an email from a reader who also pointed out the positive of this post (that the vast majority are NOT dealing with depression), he suggested I write a second post with that positive spin as the subject. Valid comment, and I agree with you that there is certainly some positive news to take out of the facts of the studies cited in today’s article. And, I’m with you, my retired years are definitely the best of my life thus far. We’re blessed, and are thankful.

  10. I loved my company, the people and the job for 33 years. Could have easily worked until kicked the bucket. I’ve been retired 3 yrs, and am still waiting for the 1st day of being bored. I still have way more things on my todo list than time. Get yourself a hobby or many hobbies. So many opportunities. Scuba, swim club, real woodworking. I’m an engineer. Just learned how to do masonry on YT. Saved $1500 and get to look at my work every day.

    1. Hi Allen. Perhaps I can relate to your post as I was an engineer, by training, before getting into management. I have been retired for 7 months and have a long list of things to do and keep busy hiking, walking, gym, photography, community band, dinners with my wife, local day trips, and planning vacations. I am concerned about finding my “purpose” and want to do more volunteer group and expand my circle of friends.

    2. Allen, we’re kindred spirits. I also enjoyed (most of) my 33-year career, and struggle to think of a single day I’ve been bored in my 5 years of retirement. Also, I agree it’s amazing how much we can learn on YouTube, the opportunities are endless for the “self learners” among us (which, I suspect, is a high % of the readers of this blog). I suspect the depression rate among self starters is much lower than for the general population of retirees.

    3. I also loved my job-32 years as an elementary school teacher. Part of my struggle is questioning why I’d leave a job that I mostly enjoyed. I’m curious why you left a company that you liked? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

  11. Very important to remember that none of us are indispensable.

    A number of years ago a colleague suffered a heart attack, and the coroner asked that he be left until they arrived. Because it was a hosptial/OR, very soon it came to “we have to keep working”.

    People were literally stepping over his dead body, continuing to run the OR.

    I’ve kept that as my motto….”none of us are indispensable”.

    1. Powerful story, Doc. I’ve thought frequently about the many friends I had in the business world who thought they were indispensable. Only to find out, they weren’t. An important fact for folks to remember, indeed.

  12. Interesting stats and I can understand how a sense of identity loss can occur at retirement can be trigger for depression. I appreciate that you bring up a few things to help rewire to obtain a different purpose.
    I came across the shocking realization on a hike during my May retirement celebration. For 33 years I knew what I was doing and how my gears fit into “the machine”. Now suddenly, on the side of a mountain trail, I realized that I did not know what I was doing without being part of “the machine.”
    I’m giving myself some slack, it took 36 year to build “the machine”. While in my retirement honeymoon phase, I an designing concepts for a few new “machine” to build over the next 25 years.

    Your blog helps keeps the connectivity, so thanks for this.

    1. Francis, isn’t it amazing how clear the mind can be when hiking in the woods? Best of luck building your new machine. The important thing is that you’ve realized your need to build it, enjoy the process!

  13. This post was timely for me as I am 6 days away from retirement as a physician at the age of 56. I recently watched a YouTube video with Dr. Riley Moynes about “The Four Stages of Retirement”. The second stage is where depression can set in. As someone who has a tendency towards melancholy, this is a definite concern. Since I have experienced it in the past, I know I can get out of it. My spouse and I have discussed this and he said that I need to give myself time to adjust and be kind to myself. I don’t remember a day where I wasn’t studying for something or working.

    I don’t feel my identity equals my job and I have a lot of other interests that I don’t have time for. I do know that some form of service to others is key for a happy retirement.

    The unknown is scary but I think I’m ready! It’s coming whether I like it or not! I hope that being prepared is one way of lessening the blow.

    Thank you for your posts. I always find them interesting and look forward to reading them when they drop into my inbox.

    1. Deanna, congratulations on your crossing of The Starting Line next week – a major milestone in life. It sounds like you’re doing everything right (gaining knowledge on the topic, discussing with your spouse, recognizing the need for time, being kind to yourself, thinking of other interests, and recognizing your need for service). I’ve little doubt you’ll find your way to a successful retirement. Thanks for making me a small part of your journey.

  14. The non pink elephant in the room is concern about health. I am in great shape despite having had quad bypass surgery seven years ago. Just about all of my friends in the retirement demographic are dealing with health issues. Yes, I am dealing with it proactively but it is an itch you cannot scratch. It is a sea change having to pay attention to that which I was blissfully unaware. This coupled with all the other retirement issues and just daily nonsense like: war, the environment, the economy, covid19, can really dent your optimism. I other words, all this crap was around my whole life but I never thought about mortality as that only happened to others. No that I am in the batters box I am hoping not to get beaned. Best thing to date is the Retirement Manifesto. Thanks.

    1. Best thing to date? Wow, I could ask for no greater compliment. I agree that health is one of the things that becomes more of a focus with retirement (that fact was highlighted by our recent Blindspot Study). Like you, I’m doing all I can to proactively focus on longevity, recognizing we can only control what we can control. Best of luck in the batters box (a nice analogy, btw, I may have to borrow that for a future post).

  15. Another GREAT article on Depressed retirees. Preparing for retirement should be no different than how you planned your day, your work, your relationships, prior to retirement. Your advice on planning for retirement was GOLD for me. List the MENTAL, PHYSICAL, SOCIAL and FINANCIAL things I want retirement to look like and be like. It helps simplify the life you want, so that time goes to what’s important. The goal in retirement is to “retire to something, versus retire from something”. Decide what you want retirement to look and to be like, before you retire!!!

    1. Marc, I appreciate your post, and feel a kindred connection with you through our connection to Hillsdale College and the bucolic life of Southern Michigan. I love your list, a great summary of why a holistic approach to retirement planning is so important. I sincerely believe the majority of retirees who suffer from depression missed the importance of planning for the non-financial aspects retirement would bring. Thanks for the great reminder of what’s really important.

  16. While a big part of my identity was representing the company which I loved and felt proud to be a part of (except for a very brief period ), I always kept my family time and other interests at least equal. Then when Retirement came I quickly found time to get involved in different organizations and volunteering in outdoor related activities in State and National Parks. This led me into a whole new life that had never been part of my retirement plans. While the only “formal” teaching I had ever done was decades before in the Army, I started teaching programs in these parks. These were mostly to Junior Rangers and School Groups, but also Adult programs for The University of Tennessee Field School in the Smokies, Georgia Master Naturalist and programs for other Volunteers. I think finding your interests and getting involved will leave little time to be depressed. Don’t make your total identity be just your job.

    1. Curtis, you’ve always been a role model for me, and I cherish the years we worked together and the fact that we’ve continued to foster our friendship into retirement. You’re a shining example of how to do retirement “right,” and your joy of life is a result of finding things to do with your time that you truly love. We’re past due for another lunch together, I’ll shoot you an email to get it set up.

  17. One of the big eye-opening moments for me in recognizing much of my identity was tied up in my profession was when I read the book Awareness by Anthony de Mello.

    He says “If I change my profession tomorrow, it’s like changing my clothes, I am untouched. Are you your clothes? Are you your name? Are you your profession? Stop identifying with them. They come and go.”

    Once I started realizing that jobs come and go, just the same as clothes, shoes, and other “things” do, I realized that a job title is the same thing.

    But I’m afraid that many retirees especially as they get older have decades of identifying with their job, and so that must make it a much harder transition in general.

    Your tips are great, I think if any retirees can focus on finding like-minded people and working on their health and hobbies, they’ll be able to work through it just fine.

    1. AR, I wasn’t “aware” of that book until I read your comment. I love the analogy of changing clothes, sounds like a worthy read. Just added it to my “want to read” list on Goodreads…

  18. Thanks Fritz
    I’m 18 mos in and best thing I did was take on a new challenge. Never did much distance biking so sold boat I hardly used and bought road bike. Increasing my miles every week and will do my first race this weekend. Lots of new stuff with biking helps me stay fresh. I’m still not motivated to work full days in my workshop so surprised by that but it’s sort of lonely so I’ll figure it out. Serving in community and helping others is great too

    1. Pete, things for adding “Finding A Challenge” to the list. I’ve written about that exact point several times, and really enjoy challenging myself to accomplish big and new goals (like my 3-mile swim across Lake Blue Ridge last summer). Great addition to the discussion. And, I understand the workshop playing second fiddle as you work out your optimum approach to retirement. It is fun to create new things, but you are correct in your point about the potential risk of isolation. Like many things in life, finding that right balance is part of the fun.

  19. What helps me through retirement anxiety me is gratefulness. I am grateful not having to sit in traffic for hours, the “405” at rush hour is brutal. I am grateful not having assignment deadlines, Sunday evenings panic attracts, performance reviews, dealing with unreasonable colleagues, and dealing with underperforming employees. The realization that these stressors are absent from my retired life lift my mood every time. Although “retire to something, not from something” is sound advise, we shouldn’t forget that “from something” was full of unpleasant events. As memories fade with passage of time, we tend to remember the good and forget the bad, an occasional memory reset can help.

    1. Great point, Alan, and exactly my mindset (it’s why I made my #1 commandment in my 10 Commandments of Retirement to “Have An Attitude of Gratitude”). We can always find things to be grateful for, and having a positive mindset goes a long way in offsetting the risk of depression.

  20. I am a year into retirement and have been depressed for about six months. I retired with the plan of selling my home and moving in with my partner in another state. The first three months were great as I was enjoying not going to work and was focused on getting my house ready to sell. A couple of months after I moved I found that I had made too many changes in my life at one time. I missed my home, my former town and friends, and found living with someone and being in a much smaller town very challenging. I now realize that I jumped into all of this much too quickly. I so wish I had taken my time and eased into this transition. I’ve never seen this addressed in anything I’ve read, but making too many life changes at once should be advised against. I am trying to make this new life work, but every day I regret not taking my time and doing things in stages.

    1. Suzi, your timeline sounds about right. Most folks who suffer from depression in retirement don’t experience it right away. Your first three months sounds like the honeymoon, with the reality not setting in until you made the big move and had time to reflect. I agree that making too many changes at once can be extremely disruptive, and it’s totally reasonable to feel like you do at the moment. The good news is that most retirees work through it with time. Find ways to get involved in your new community, make new friends with common interests (e.g., charity work), and give yourself permission to take it slow. There’s little value in having regret about the past, your time is better spent building your new and wonderful life. Best of luck on your journey, thanks for your transparency in your comment.

  21. Thank you for the great information!! I am in that curve of 55 – 58 after two years of retirement. Still searching for that purpose to move forward and it sucks and I am bored out of my mind. good to know this is a normal stage and will work harder to get through it.

    1. David, you’re in exactly the time frame that depression most often hits. If you’ve not yet read my book, I encourage you to do so. There’s a reason I told folks “they’ll know when it’s time” to read it again. I was thinking of folks in exactly your situation. It is, indeed, a normal stage, and I have full confidence you’ll find your legs. Glad my post resonated with you, and I wish you sincere best of luck as you work your way through the transition.

  22. There are 2 age related phenomenon that affect your level of contentment or happiness…
    1. Your ability or openness to new experiences.
    2. You could not let go the fixation on the shiny objects (money, love, longevity or fame) that you have been conditioned to chase after for years.

    This is the reason why you will find it is very rare to find young and depressed children.

    As a retiree with resources, you should be able live and experience far more than them; so, why the quality of your life is less than them (this is the question I asked a friend of mine who got ousted early from Budweiser).

    Have the courage to step out of your comfort zone, and don’t take things personally…
    Take the second lifetime opportunity to be the happy kid you used to be or be the kid you always wanted to be with the resources that you have earned for yourself.

    Good luck everyone!

    1. “Take the second lifetime opportunity to be the happy kid you used to be…”

      Great advice, TE. I agree retirement is a rare opportunity where time freedom and financial means can (and should) lead to the best years of your life.

  23. Hey, Fritz. Great post as usual. I am very fortunate. I didn’t love my work. Perhaps because it didn’t involve anything that really helped humanity. When I retired, I could do more for humanity by simply pursuing one of my avocations more frequently: picking up litter. I am also very fortunate because I am somewhat of a loner and I have no shortage of hobbies and interests. So keeping myself happy and busy in retirement is easy. But if I needed a lot of social interaction and a paycheck to affirm my productivity, I’d be struggling with depression too. I hope this article helps those retirees who are having trouble finding their groove. Peace, my friend.

    1. Mr. G! Great to see you in the comments, I love the retirement life you’ve created for yourself and Mrs. G. Introspective comment, I appreciate your transparency. I’ll never forget the “garbage run” we did when you came over for that visit a few years ago. I often think of you as I drive down that lovely country road where you shared your passion for cleaning up litter with me. Thanks for your friendship, hugs to Mrs. G.

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