We’re Going On Vacation!

We’re going on vacation!

But wait, isn’t retirement, by definition, a vacation?

I hate to burst your bubble, but we’ve found that retirement is not, contrary to popular belief, a permanent vacation.  Vacations are as important in our retired life as they were when we were working.


Today, I’ll share why vacations are still important after you retire. You’ll also see the plans for our vacation, which starts this weekend.

48 hours from now, we’re hitting the road.  

Do people still take vacations in retirement? For us, the answer is yes. Here's why... Click To Tweet

We’re Going On Vacation!

When we were working, we figured retirement would be like a permanent vacation.

We were wrong.

Sure, there’s no need to get up early on Monday morning for that dreaded commute.  There’s no longer that anticipation as the weekend approaches.  We ARE retired, after all.

But still…

6 years into retirement, our life has settled into a productive routine.  Every day we do something to keep Freedom For Fido rolling, spend some time on the keyboard, take care of our mountain property, and dedicate time to physical fitness.  Add in our once-a-month trip to our second home in Alabama, church activities, some time for our hobbies, and time with friends, and we find ourselves busier in retirement than in our working years.  It’s a cliche, but it’s also proven to be true.

One unexpected reality of retirement is that sometimes, you need to take a break.

Fortunately, in retirement, you also have the luxury of doing that whenever you’d like.

For this year’s vacation, that means hitting some popular vacation destinations “off-peak.” 


We’re Mixing It Up in 2024

Every year, my wife and I discuss what we’d like to do for our annual vacation.  We’ve had some great ones since I retired in 2018.

Here’s a log of our annual trips:

This year, we’re mixing it up.  After several years of doing a Midwestern tour with our RV (and our dogs) to visit family, we’ve decided to change our routine.  

  • No Dogs
  • No RV 
  • No Family

Just my wife and I, enjoying some quality time together.  Except for a trip to Disney last year with our granddaughter, it’ll be our first vacation without the dogs.  Fortunately, we have a great dog sitter who stays in our home and provides excellent care to our dogs (unfortunately, we’re down to 2 dogs after losing 2 in the past 5 months, it’s been a tough year).  For the record, we are planning an RV trip with the dogs in the Fall, stay tuned for details.

This weekend, we’re heading out for a Mid-Atlantic loop, staying in unique AirBnB’s every night as we work our way through Williamsburg, out to the coast, up to Washington DC, and back through the Shenandoah National Park and Cumberland Gap. 

Below is a map of our route:

The Unique AirBnB’s We’ve Chosen 

Below is a summary of the AirBnb’s we have booked along the route.  Traveling without the dogs allows us to stay in some “character” properties, so we’re taking full advantage of it.  Here are the highlights:

Colonial Williamsburg

We’re staying in the historic Armistead House, a short 2-block walk from Colonial Williamsburg.  It’ll be nice to park the car and walk through a special place from America’s history.  In preparation for the trip, I read a book about Colonial Williamsburg, and look forward to seeing the restored buildings from the period when we were still a colony of Great Britain.

Maryland Coast

We’re staying for a full week in the charming Rumbley Cottage, a gorgeous spot with the ocean out the front door and the intercoastal out the back.  It’s close to Chincoteague and Assateague Island, and we’re hoping to see the wild horses while there.  They’ve also got a few kayaks we’re free to use, so we’re looking forward to some quality time exploring the calm intercoastal waterways.

We plan to disconnect from the world.

A week of solitude on the coast.  Reading, walking on the beach, kayaking, and relaxing.  It’s the part of the trip we’re most excited about.  A romantic getaway, with the woman I love.  

Yes, vacations are as important in retirement as in your working years.

Shenandoah National Park

After a quick stop outside Washington DC to visit an aging Uncle, we’re heading to the Mimslyn Inn, a historic hotel in the heart of the Shenandoah National Park.  It’ll be a two-night stop, long enough to explore a bit of the Shenandoah National Park, so some hiking, and explore the middle of the Appalachian Mountain chain we call home.

Cumberland Gap

I’ve long been a fan of Daniel Boone, and after reading Blood And Treasure, my one request for the trip was to stop at Cumberland Gap and see the famed Appalachian Mountain crossing used in America’s early Westward expansion. Since we’re focusing on history, we felt it appropriate to stay in The Olde Mill Inn, the oldest standing building in Cumberland Gap.  The original cabin was built in the 1700s and remains standing to this day.

I’m looking forward to walking in the footsteps of one of my frontier heroes.

What We WON’T Be Doing On Vacation

I realize I’ll be passing near many of you and trust you’ll understand when I inform you that we’re not planning on seeing any of you on this trip.  Our priority on this trip is some quality time together during this vacation, and while I love meeting readers it doesn’t fit with our goals for this trip.  I hope we can still be friends. 😉

This is our time to escape.

My wife has vowed to break free from running Freedom For Fido while we’re traveling, and I’ve reciprocated by vowing to take a complete break from my blog.  I won’t be doing any writing, instead focusing on being present as we explore some areas of the country that interest us.

This trip is for my wife and me, a chance to escape and enjoy a romantic getaway.

We need a break from the busyness in our lives, so…

We’re Going On Vacation!

Conclusion: Why Vacations Still Matter In Retirement

In closing, a few thoughts on why vacations still matter in retirement.

While working, we always took all of our vacation time. It shocks me that 56% of Americans don’t take all of their vacation time.  In my experience, you won’t win any medals with that approach.  We all need a break from the busyness of our working lives, and the memories of our vacations with our daughter are some of our most cherished memories from my working years.  No regrets.

Now that we’re retired, we still need to find time to unplug.

Life is busy, and we love it that way.  I read once that the happiest retirees are the busiest retirees, and I suspect that’s true.  The difference with retirement is that we choose to be busy, and we can also choose to carve out time to unwind.  Be intentional, and make room for both.  Don’t get so caught up in your busyness that you fail to recognize the need to slow down and enjoy the ride. 

Variety is the spice of life.

Retirement offers the luxury of being as busy as you want to be.

Retirement also offers the luxury of taking a vacation whenever you choose.

So, we’re choosing.

We’re going on vacation.

Your Turn:  What are you doing for vacation this year?  And, for future planning, what was the best vacation you ever took (and why)?  Let’s chat in the comments…


  1. Fritz, that’s great that the two of you are taking some vacation time by yourselves!

    Genie and I just ended a 15 day Transoceanic cruise from Miami-Rome this morning, and will be hanging out in Rome until we fly home on Sunday.

    If you ever get a chance go to the Christmas Markets in Europe from Thanksgiving until Christmas.

    Take care.


    1. Phil, those Transoceanic cruises have long appealed to me. We’re actually planning a shorter Disney cruise with our granddaughter this summer, will be more than content with that for now. Great tip on the Christmas markets, thanks!

  2. Some of my friends and other co-workers were part of the 56% that did not take all of their vacation. While at work you need to work, but then you need to take your vacation and the boss needs to find a way to make it happen. I’m not sure how to get people on board with that idea, it seems like everyone has a reason as to why vacation hours go unused.

    A side note – vacation is not the same as traveling. My wife and I are still on speaking terms after three months traveling to some reasonably remote locations. Heat, humidity, language issues, different foods of varying quality, stomach issues, respiratory and ear infections, etc., do not make for a romantic getaway. As my wife and I spend a second day waiting our ride out of Kaimana, Indonesia, I better understand why some people take actual vacations…

    1. “Vacation is not the same as traveling.”

      Spot on, Brett. International travel, specifically, can actually induce a lot of stress en route (as you’re example of “waiting it out” in Indonesia proves). We decided on a nice, easy domestic trip for this one – more relaxing, and just feels right. Good luck getting out of Kaimana! 😉

  3. Fritz,

    Good for you. Take some time to enjoy your wife. Like you, mine has certainly been a blessing to me over the years.
    We do have a tendency to try to accomplish way much.

    Go relax!

    Paul and Susan

    1. We do, indeed, have that tendency. Most times, it’s great. But there are times when you just need to unplug with the one you love. Can’t wait for Saturday!

      1. Fritz, I think you wrote this for me and Jim didn’t you. As you probably know we have not gone anywhere together since we retired to our “hobby (a lot of work) farm” in December 2016! Maybe someday we will work out going on a real vacation. 😊

        1. Betty, nice seeing you at Pickleball today! As mentioned, Jackie and I would LOVE to watch your farm to give you and Jim a chance to get away. We love your place, and would really enjoy giving you a chance to do something fun together. Talk it over with Jim and let us know. See you when we get back to Blue Ridge…

  4. Have a super time with Jackie Fritz! You both have earned it.

    I think my favorite vacation trip with our 2 children was driving out west from Dallas, while I was still an USN sailor. Mid-90’s, took them to Carlsbad Caverns (Highly recommend it for all), then through the Joshua national forest, stopped 2 nights at an Aunt’s home north of Phoenix for a wonderful visit. After that, we drove on to Vegas. I remember how much fun they had with the virtual reality devices and the roller coast that goes thru Circus Circus.

    Driving east home, of course we stopped at the Grand Canyon south rim. Majestic, like our Creator! Just us 4 on a long road trip was fun in the car. Playing hangman with Joe while driving was fun. I am smiling now. Kids are now 40 or soon will be.

    Time waits for no man – so get out there and make memories together!!

    He has risen, indeed! God speed, Steve

    1. “Time waits for no man…”

      A great reminder, Steve, of the importance of getting out there and making memories while we still can. Funny that you remember playing hangman as one of the highlights of your trip, some 30 years later. It’s the little things that matter, right?

  5. Wow what a great article. It makes so much sense. A vacation is a change of pace – a wind down or a step up to adventure. With a lot of family responsibilities in normal life (a great choice for us), the best vacation was just me and my husband on our first ever cruise. Next month we head off for our greatest adventure yet – a 63 day quarter World Cruise!
    Thanks Fritz. I’ve been reading your stuff for years but never commented before.

    1. “I’ve been reading your stuff for years but never commented before.”

      I’m glad you got off the sidelines and into the game, Karen! A 63 day cruise, wow! Your greatest adventure yet, indeed! Thanks for jumping in with your first comment, I hope it won’t be your last. Have fun on that cruise.

  6. Fritz,

    We’ve just retired at end of January and made a Florida beach trip in March, heading up the west coast of Michigan ultimately onto Mackinac Island in July, and booked a Hawaiian vacation in September.

    Your trip looks fabulous, enjoy! Will look forward to your return blog and update on all the fun you and Jackie had!

    1. Wow, you’ve got a busy first year planned, sounds like a great way to start your retirement! We went up the West Coast of MI and across the Upper Penisula a few years ago (see the 2020 link in the article), enjoyable trip. Also went to Hawaii for our daughter’s graduation trip, that one counted as our 50th state visited!

  7. Hi Fritz. We’ll miss your blogs! Your vacation plan sounds wonderful! In fact, you gave me a couple ideas for a future vacation with my wife.

    I’ve been retired for about 16 months and look forward to vacations with my wife. While we still aim to have a date night each week, taking a vacation allows time to refresh in new surroundings. We just had a short vacation last week to a B&B in Cape May, NJ. We’ll visit another B&B in May for 4 days and have a longer Backroads Hiking Trip to Oregon planned for June.

    I’m sorry to read about your loss of 2 dogs. Those of us who love dogs know they are a part of our family.

    Enjoy, rejuvenate and we’ll look forward to hearing about your adventure and new blogs when you return!

    1. Thanks for your kind words about the dogs. We lost Coco (“my” dog) in Dec and Sawyer (“my wife’s” dog) in March. Really tough way to start the year.

      BTW, I love your idea of a weekly date night, may need to borrow that concept from you when we get back.

      And, rest assured, the writing will resume sometime in May…

  8. Hi Fritz,
    Sounds great…saw that you were passing close to me in NOVA, but glad you said…this is a trip for me and my wife…totally understand. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to meet you another time.

    We just back from a vacation in Aruba. The day after I got back I went and played golf with my golf buddies and told them I just got back from vacation. They said, “Wait a minute, you’re retired…you’re always on vacation!” I told them that’s not how I see it. I have a routine when I’m home, but I’m not travelling so it doesn’t feel like a vacation until I plan a trip away from home. Agree that vacations away from home while retired are important. This is my first year of retirement, and I’ve scheduled a trip with my wife every month this year. She is exhausted by my planning, but we are looking forward to all the trips.

    Enjoy your vacation!

    1. Thanks for your understanding on our decision to be selfish this trip…wink.

      Aruba sounds great, I’ve always enjoyed the Caribbean islands. Glad to hear we’re in agreement that vacations in retirement are as important as when we were working, though I don’t think I could keep up with your pace of one vacation per month! Congrats on your recent retirement, enjoy those well earned “unlimited vacation days!”

  9. Now that is our kind of vacation Fritz. Good on you guys for mixing things up. Of course after you’re back, we will need a post trip analysis of with/without dogs and RV. Perhaps for you guys, you need to mix it up and alternate. For us, I can’t imagine pulling all that kit/dogs around the country, but to each his own as they say. We love Europe (ie London and Paris), but after all those years of flying in the front of the plane on business, sitting in the back now is a bridge to far for 14 hours ! Interesting to know how other retirees are making that work.

    1. You’re giving me a homework assignment? Wink.

      As for Europe, I had over 1 Million miles on Delta during my career, with really extensive international travel in my final 10 years. Strange, but even with all those miles we have no desire to travel internationally at the moment. Perhaps that will change…remaining flexible, but for now we’re enjoying doing what appeals the most – easy domestic trips in a car or RV.

  10. Frtiz: You are so right about retirement “busyness.” There are times I have been incredibly busy and others I have been not so busy depending on what interests I want to pursue. I have pursued so many interests in the past 5 years including taking free classes as Georgia State University (offered to seniors over 62), taking art classes and playing sports. I often think about taking a vacation and hope to drive up the eastern coast in the fall when the crowds are gone. I also recommend the John C Campbell Folk School which offers tons of different week long classes (or weekend classes as well).

    I look at retirement as a return to those days when I was a kid and had lazy summers of reading, riding my bike and generally doing nothing.The only difference is that as an adult, I have so many choices of what I want to do!

    1. The John C Campbell Folk School is amazing, and in the adjacent county to ours. I’ve recommended it in earlier articles, truly incredible place. I hope you make that East Coast trip this fall, “while you still can!”

  11. Blowing Rock and Boone NC are beautiful places to visit. If you have time to take a detour for a couple of hours, both you and your wife will enjoy visiting the area.

    1. We’ve been to both in the past, Mark, and agree they’re worth a visit. Afraid we’re going to miss them on this loop, but appreciate the recommendation.

  12. Sorry to hear about your loss of another pup Fritz. Dogs are such great friends and companions and we know how difficult it is.

    Your trip sounds fabulous! Really cool history to explore. How people lived and made it through harrowing experiences always fascinates me.

    I’ve found in retirement looking forward to sleeping in on weekends continues to be a joy given the busyness that is still going on during the week.

    Have an amazing trip with Jackie and time together!

    1. Sleeping in on weekends? I prefer to sleep in on weekdays, too. 😉 One of my newfound loves since investing in a home gym and being able to work out on a schedule that suits my need instead of HAVING to be at the gym for that 7:00 am Spin Class!

  13. Hello Fritz. Sounds like a great plan! I see your itinerary has you passing down I-81 and if you have any interest in swinging through a college town with some beautiful campus architecture, I recommend a couple hours in Blacksburg and the campus of Virginia Tech. There are always events going on (sporting events, theatrical or music performances, etc.) and you might be able to find a fun activity. I enjoy seeing the college kids out and about, with optimism and life ahead of them – doesn’t make me feel old – to the contrary, it is energizing to be around them! Anyway, the campus is beautiful in the spring and maybe just a good place to stop off for lunch and catch a college baseball game or something 🙂

    1. Thanks for the tip regarding Blacksburg, Steve. We’ll keep it in mind when we’re back onto our Southward leg. I agree with you on the vibrancy of a college town…

  14. As another reader stated “been reading your stuff for years and this is my first comment”:

    Wife, I and our pup Ryder take a one week road trip each month always staying in vacation rentals in small towns… btw Blue Ridge, GA area is one of our favorites where we go at least twice a year (met Jackie last April at the BR Trout Festival). We find small town hospitality, exploring nature and just being in a different environment invigorating! Next week we’re headed to Broken Bow/Hochatown, OK (another favorite) to spend a week with MN friends we haven’t seen in 20+ years.

    Ain’t retirement grand!!!

    1. TWO first-time commenters today, love it! Cool that you met Jackie (I remember her saying she’d met a reader at TroutFest), hope to get a chance to meet you the next time you’re in town. Enjoy your time in OK with old friends, sounds great. And yes, retirement is, indeed, grand…

  15. Sounds like a great plan, have a more relaxed romantic getaway with your wife. It’s way too easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and to forget to stop and smell the roses (and coffee!)

  16. Sorry to hear about the loss of your pups Fritz. Another reminder to enjoy life ASAP! Tina and I will be doing a similar route to your trip this year, only next year. However, because of who I am, it will involve a friends daughters wedding in VA, meeting cruise friends and their new baby in MD and meeting an old friend and an author I correspond with in DE. Of course our adventure starts in AZ so we’ll see friends in TX, MS, AL and TN along the way!!

    For a true vacation, Tina and I are taking our adult daughters on an Alaskan cruise/tour in May, which will complete seeing all 50 states together!

    Enjoy your time on the road. Our best to you and Jackie. G

    1. Gary, cool that we’ll be doing similar loops, though yours is a much longer trip than mine! Congrats on achieving all 50 states – we hit that mark in 2016. I’ve always enjoyed traveling around the USA, even better now when there are no limits on vacation days!

  17. Hey Fritz (your San Diego twin here!),

    Looks amazing. My wife/I are doing similar travels this Spring and we’ve crossed some of the same terrain that you plan to. We just left St. Michaels (Maryland shore, close to where you are going to be). Cute little town, you should check it out! We are currently on a 10 day trip traveling from South Bend, IN down to Durham, NC and are currently up in Long Island, NY. We counted that we will have hit 11 states on this part of our trip alone! I never spent much time in the West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee area of the Country and I have to say it is some of our favorite (thus far!). The best part is visting all these “tourist” places, in the off-season…ahhh retirement! I plan to write one big blog when we finish up some time in June. Safe travels my friend!

    1. Ironic that both you and Hannelore (one comment below yours) mentioned St. Michaels. I’ve heard good things, may have to swing through while we’re in the area. I had a cousin who went to college there, actually lived on a sailboat during his college years. Sounds like my kind of town.

      Also, glad to hear you’ve enjoyed WV, KY and TN. All three are pretty similar to our neck of the woods, and we agree the mid-South is a beautiful part of the country. Looking forward to that “one big blog” post, you’ve certainly got some catching up to do for your readers!

  18. Hi Fritz: based on the map view you seem to be driving up Rt 50 on the Eastern Shore. If you have time, you might want to take a short side trip to either St. Michael’s or Oxford. Both great little quaint Eastern Shore towns and nice stops for some seafood. Have a fun trip

    1. Did you and Anthony (one comment above you) coordinate your timing? Ironic that two comments came in back-to-back about St. Michael’s, think we’ll try to swing through while we’re in the area. Thanks for the tip!

  19. In a few weeks we are headed to a VRBO in Virginia to meet up with two of our three grown kids for a weekend. Then my wife and I will drive on the Maine with our bicycles to ride bike trails and hike for however long we decide to stay. Yes indeed, vacations are important for busy retirees!

    1. Wow, that’s a big trip – enjoy Maine, a state we’ve been to once many years ago and have considered for a future extended RV Trip. Gorgeous part of the country, for sure.

  20. Long time reader first time commenter!

    My ad agency handles all the Maryland Tourism work. The top two reasons for visiting the state are waterways and seafood. Looks like you will have plenty of both. Check out visitmaryland.org for itineraries and tips.

    Two insider tips-

    1. When you go see the wild horses treat yourself to ice cream at Dumsers in West Ocean City.

    2. If you can time your drive across the bay bridge with sunset grab dinner at Libbey Coastal Kitchen in Stevensville. Amazing views of the bridge, Chesapeake and western shore at sunset.


    1. Rob, thanks for chiming in for the first time, love the “insider tips” and have added both to my calendar so we’ll remember as we’re heading for Maryland!

  21. You’ll love Williamsburg. It’s our favorite place. We go at least once a year. Make dinner reservations — they all use Open Table. The restaurants are not all open every day. Berret’s Seafood is open 7 days and is excellent. The Williamsburg website gives alot of help and has daily lists of events. Make sure you see Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Martha Washington — they list the programs daily. The Museum is wonderful — it has recently been expanded.

    1. Mary, great to “see” an old friend leaving some Williamsburg tips! Thanks for suggesting Open Table, wouldn’t have thought of that. Just booked our first night’s dinner at Berret’s, thanks to you! We’re really excited to spend some time in Williamsburg, I’ll think of you while we’re there!

  22. Reading this on a short trip to Paris Mtn State Park in Greenville SC. It is always nice to get away even for a few days. Best vacation with just us? 10 days in the Loire Valley, France. Ruined me. Started looking for a way to retire ASAP after that experience. Best family trip so far was about 2 weeks in Costa Rica at Christmas, about 7 months after mom died. Gave us a chance for a total change of Christmas expectations. Still putzing with part time work, but it will take me to Alaska this year so away we go….

    1. Kev, we’ve traveled to France several times and have always enjoyed our time there. Cool that your part time job gets you a free trip to Alaska, not a bad gig! Also, Costa Rica’s on our list, been talking with some friends about potentially heading there next year…

  23. Thanks as always for great information! I am retiring at the end of the year, and took a “practice retirement trip” in March to Florida for 10 days. Now we are on the end of my annual birthday week trip (started last year when I turned 65). We started out watching the total eclipse in Arkansas, then spent several days in Memphis, and now are in Nashville for three days before heading home. Both trips are all driving – we travel well together in the car and enjoy the varied scenery as we try to find routes off the main highways as much as possible. We plan to spend time on the road often when I’m done working — my husband is 11 years younger and will be working for several years (he says 10 — he loves what he does and works from home, so it’s very easy for us to take off). As for using all my vacation, I use a spreadsheet to track my days and how I can spread them over as many adventures as possible! I had 5 weeks at my previous job, and when I switched I negotiated 3 weeks instead of just 2 (normally 3 weeks doesn’t kick in until 10 years at the job, but that’s another conversation). Anyway, I agree that everyone should find a way to take all your vacation time — you will have many more memories of your time away from work than the extra days you gave them. Enjoy your fabulous vacation! Can’t wait to read all about it.

    1. Sharon, you’re the first I’ve heard of who uses a spreadsheet to optimize vacation time while working – gold star to you! Kudo’s on the “practice retirement trip,” one of the things I always suggest to folks who are 1-2 years away from retirement. Two gold stars in one comment!

  24. Looks like a fantastic plan. Thanks for sharing with your readers.
    Hope you both have a wonderful trip. Blessings and blue skies!

  25. Hi Fritz, so sorry to hear about your pups. You were blessed with their lives. If you ever make it up to New Hampshire – check out the Mt.Washington Hotel. A beautiful historic resort hotel. We are inspired by your vacation plans. Thank you for sharing with us! Be safe and God bless in all you do😎

    1. Susan, we spent some time in Mt. Washington on a vacation while I was still working, a beautiful area that we’d love to return to some day. Will have to keep the hotel in mind when we make it back up your way!

  26. Great itinerary! I love a road trip and lots of different sites, historical and outdoors, urban and rural.
    I was pleasantly surprised by Cumberland Gap site. Our history is fascinating. Enjoy!

  27. My mantra has always been ‘work to live NOT live to work.’ With that in mind, me and the misses have never missed a vacation in 31 years. My daughter and I are heading to Normandy next month. We’re both history buffs and the wife isn’t. Therefore I get quality time (making lifetime memories) with my daughter.

  28. Enjoy – I totally understand re time for both of you to go ‘off grid’! Retirement is amazing but before you know it, you suddenly acquire all these extra responsibilities!

    Relax, enjoy every single moment and go with the flow! Sometimes things won’t work out as expected, and you’ll go down a different road, but it will all work out!!!

    All the best

  29. Sounds like a wonderful vacation planned. My wife and I have scheduled a 15 day Caribbean to South American cruise for this summer. So looking forward to it. Most of the year has been traveling to visit family. This one is just for us.

  30. Sounds wonderful. I love your selection of AirBnBs. I also discovered the link to your 7000 mile train trip that you took a few years ago which piqued my interest. My husband and I are taking a bucket list Viking cruise this summer – Amsterdam to Budapest. Looking forward to some downtime (I am still working, but husband has been retired for about 3 years now). I’ll be following in his footsteps soon and love all of your pre-retirement planning suggestions to prepare me for the journey. Thanks for all!

  31. I nice change of pace for you!!! Enjoy!!! The wife and I just had a 5 night trip. No RV, No CAT. Went to a wedding in Anaheim Ca, and spent some quality time together. Movies, Alone time, fancy dinners, shopping and downtown Disney at night!! We all need this.

    Take your time….. see you soon!!


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