The Pursuit of Childhood Joy

What did you enjoy doing as a child?

As a hyperactive kid in Michigan, most of my fondest memories involve outdoor activities.  Swimming, riding my bike, hiking through the nearby woods, exploring the lake at our summer cabin in my small fishing boat, camping with the family, etc. 

Ah, childhood.  The life of Freedom.

Take a minute and think back.  What activity from your childhood comes to mind?

There’s a reason I’m asking.  A reason I discovered while walking our dogs in the woods last evening.  That childhood activity that you just thought of may actually help you to enjoy a better life.  

The pursuit of childhood joy may be just the secret you needed to make the most of your retirement. Click To Tweet

finding joy from your childhood

The Pursuit of Childhood Joy

Last week, my wife and I enjoyed a challenging kayaking trip with a reader of this blog and his wife.  It was on the Hiawassee River, just across the North Carolina border.  The water was running fast, and the Class II rapids were enough to get the adrenaline flowing (and, this writer wet when he failed to negotiate one particularly gnarly stretch in his fishing kayak and ended up with an unexpected swim through the rapids). 

I’ve always loved being on the water.

A few days ago, I enjoyed a marvelous early morning swim in our nearby Lake Blue Ridge.  The water was glassy calm, and the fog was still burning off the surrounding mountains.  It was a lovely late summer swim, and I paused at the end of the swim to take in the view and realize how fortunate I am to be retired in such a beautiful place.

I’ve always loved swimming.

Last night, I was walking our dogs around the 1.3-mile trail in the woods behind our cabin.  It’s been a part of our daily routine in retirement, with a morning and evening hike through that wooded slice of heaven.  Down the main trail, across that ravine and over the creek, letting the dogs pause for a drink, then the climb up to the ridgeline for the nice views before we make that right turn that brings us back to the cabin.

I’ve always loved being in the woods.

As I was walking the dogs, I had a realization about all of the activities of the prior week, and how each of them was rooted in a joy from my childhood.  Without realizing it, my retirement has been filled with activities I once enjoyed as a child.  I’ve never been intentional in the pursuit of childhood joy, but it’s happened anyway.  My life is better as a result.

A thought struck me, and it led to the writing of this post.

What if we were intentional in the pursuit of childhood joy?  Could it be one of the tricks to living a more enjoyable life?  I believe so, and I encourage you to give it a try.

Try this hack to live a better life: Pursue something you loved in childhood. Click To Tweet

How To Implement The Pursuit of Childhood Joy

Think about that activity you remembered when I asked about it in the first sentence of today’s post.  When is the last time you did it?  If you are like me, there was likely a long pause between when you did that as a child and when/if you’ve done it as an adult.  We were all busy earning a living, and life got in the way.  Perhaps it’s time to change that.

Perhaps it’s time to implement The Pursuit of Childhood Joy.

Below are four examples of things I loved as a child, and how they evolved into activities I enjoy in retirement.  Think about that activity you remember, and see if you can apply any of the things I’ve learned in your pursuit of childhood joy.  

Open water swimming in Lake Blue Ridge, GA 

The Joy:  Swimming

I don’t remember learning how to swim.  It seems like it’s something I’ve just always known how to do. Kind of like walking, it’s just something I do without thinking about it.

In the years before I started school, my Mom would take me and my two sisters to the college pool every Sunday evening for “family swim” time.  She had been a lifeguard in college, and we all learned to swim while we were still toddlers.  In elementary school, we spent almost every day at the public beach, burning up energy in the water with friends.  In high school, I lived at the beach near our lake cabin with friends who lived nearby. 

As a child, I lived in the water.

And then, it stopped.

I don’t think I ever got in the water again until our daughter was born, and we were fortunate to have a house with a pool.  A 25+ year span without swimming just happened, and I never really thought about it.  With my daughter and a pool,  I rediscovered my love of swimming.  It’s been a part of my life ever since.  It’s a topic that’s been common fodder for this blog, as demonstrated below:

My life is better because I rediscovered my love of swimming.  In spite of a 25-year drought with no swimming, this pursuit of a childhood joy has resurrected a love of the water that I expect I’ll enjoy for years to come. 

If you enjoyed swimming as a child, what’s keeping you from getting back in the water?  Go for a swim!

Mountain biking with my friend, Todd

The Joy:  Riding A Bike

I still remember the day I got her.

I was walking up our sidewalk after school, and there she was.  A real beauty.  Green, with that cool-looking sissy bar sticking up above the back seat.  That banana seat.  A headlight!  I was 8 years old, and she was my first “real” bike, a gift from my Mom and Dad for my birthday.  I spent a lot of time on that bike.  My buddy, David, and I would build plywood ramps on the sideway and see who could get the most “air”.   BTW, if you’re interested in seeing that killer bike, and my childhood friend, David, check out the photo below, reconstructing a childhood photo taken 47 years earlier:

I loved that bike, and the memories we had together.  Winning the “longest wheely” contest, and riding with no hands.  That one summer day when she secretly stole me away on that adventure down the railroad tracks to visit my 5th-grade girlfriend, Debbie in the far-off town of Osseo.  I still can’t believe that lady I asked for directions actually knew my Mom and narc’d on me for riding so far away from home.  I got grounded for a week. 

And then, it stopped.

After college, I didn’t even own a bike for more than 20 years.  In my mid-40’s I bought a road bike and gave it a try for a few years, but I never became passionate about it (Lesson Learned:  Don’t hesitate to try new things.  If it doesn’t work out, move on to the next).  When I ended up living Alone in my City Apartment during my final 2 years of work, I bought a used hybrid bike to explore the many Atlanta parks within riding distance.  Without knowing it, a pursuit of childhood joy was unfolding.

I was hooked.

When I retired and moved up to the mountains, I sold the hybrid and bought a mountain bike. Exploring the many mountain biking trails in “our” mountains has brought joy to my life.  It’s also proven to be a great way to get in better shape.  Below are some articles I’ve written on my mountain biking experiences:

How long has that old bike been gathering dust in your garage?  Get it out, clean it up, and find the nearest RailsToTrails.  Go for a ride.  Experience the pursuit of childhood joy.

How about taking a Spin Class at your local gym?  I “Spin” three times each week, and it’s become my favorite workout.  We have a good time joking around in class, and we’ve all become friends.  Never tried it?  It’s time.

A Day Hike with a local hiking club.

The Joy:  A Love of the Woods

I’ve always loved being in the woods.

As a small boy, I spent countless hours exploring the woods a few blocks from home.  The woods ran for miles, starting just behind the college football field and stretching all the way around Winona Lake.  I knew every inch of those woods.  They were my home away from home.  In the winter, I’d strap on my cross-country skis and enjoy the white solitude.  In the summer, they were my playground.  Home to countless forts, the most ambitious of which included digging a 5′ deep X 10′ wide hole in the ground and covering it with branches for a roof.  I hope no one ever fell into that hole after we were done playing in it…

In college, I spent my summers working in Yellowstone and Glacier Bay National Park, doing my first serious backpacking in the wilderness of Wyoming and Alaska.  Since my wife and I have been married, we always seemed to find a way to hike when we were on vacation.  We still do.

When I retired, we intentionally chose a retirement cabin surrounded by woods, with miles of private trails to enjoy while walking our dogs.  I joined a local hiking club

Our retirement cabin, surrounded by the woods where today’s post was born.

There’s something magical about being in the woods.  I get a sense of serenity that is impossible to achieve anywhere else.  I’ve enjoyed the woods since childhood, and I’m enjoying them even more now, as demonstrated by the following articles:

When’s the last time you’ve been in the woods?  Get out there. 


Camping in Michigan with our 4 dogs.

The Joy:  Camping

I’ll never forget that rain.

It was a summer during elementary school, and the rain started as darkness fell.  My sisters and I were huddled in our tent with Mom and Dad, listening to what soon became a monsoon-like downpour.  The tent stood no chance.  Drenched after hours of soaking rain, we all dashed to the campground’s bathroom to spend the night on the floor.  My Dad and I hit the men’s room, and I never slept a wink.  It’s one of my strongest memories of camping as a child, the adventure of hiding in the men’s restroom all night with my Dad. 

  • Or that time my sister got lost in that campground when she turned the wrong way leaving the restroom. 
  • Or that time my Dad and I took a Father-Son trip to tour some battlefields on that Spring Break.  
  • Or that huge snake we saw curled up in the campground. 
  • Or the campfires and s’mores. 
  • Or the countless lakes, and time spent in the water with new campground friends. 
  • Or those summers camping in the KOA while my Mom finished her Master’s Degree.
  • Or that classic VW camper van, with the pop-up tent on the roof (after we upgraded from a tent).

We camped every summer.  We saw the country. We created memories.  We bonded as a family.

Fortunately, my wife also came from a camping family, and we’ve kept the tradition alive since the year we were married.  We made the “traditional” migration from backpacking to tent camping, to a pop-up trailer, to a travel trailer.  We took camping trips every year with our daughter, and we never slept in a campground bathroom.  We’ve learned some things since I was a child, and prefer the comfort of sleeping in a trailer to the adventure of enduring a tropical storm in a tent.

As we approached retirement, we knew camping and extended travel were going to play a role.  6 months before I retired, we bought our 35′ fifth wheel, and we’ve been enjoying it ever since:

Been camping lately?  It’s a great way to see the country, especially when you’re retired and have the luxury that time affords.  Go see the country.  And don’t forget the s’mores.


I know, I know. 

“The Pursuit of Childhood Joy” sounds like one of those soft topics a psychologist would likely preach.  Sometimes, it pays to listen.  In our case, the pursuit was serendipitous.  It wasn’t planned, it simply happened.  In fact, I didn’t even realize it until I thought about it during my walk in the woods with the dogs last night.  

Now that I have some time in retirement, I’ve found a new love for those things I enjoyed in childhood.  Funny how that works.  They’re different at this age, but they’re amazing nonetheless.  While my experience wasn’t planned, is there the slightest chance that you could benefit from being intentional in your pursuit of childhood joy?  What’s the harm in giving it a try?

Think of something you loved as a child.  Pursue it.

My life is better as a result.

Perhaps yours will be, too.

Your Turn:  What did you think of when I asked the question about what you enjoyed in childhood?  Are you still doing it?  Is there something that came to mind that you’d like to try again after a long drought?  Let’s chat in the comments…


  1. Thank you Fritz for a wonderful post!

    What I remember most is the time I spent with my father. Catching my first fish, barely big enough for the frying pan. Playing hockey, with all the fathers rubbing our frozen little toes afterwards. How much I wanted to grow up and be just like dad!

    In retirement, I’ve learned is the importance of living our dreams and making new memories. My father always spoke of one day seeing Alaska. Fortunately I was able to share a wonderful cruise with my mother. She absolutely loved it!

    I cherish each new day and strive to make the most of them. Lately I’ve been reconnecting with long lost cousins which has felt incredibly special. For me it’s always been about the people in my life and sharing those special moments.

    1. I loved your article…several years ago I was thinking of things I used to love doing and had given up. Tennis came to mind, I loved playing it as a child. So in my 50’s I joined a women’s group where I live in Florida, and now at 65 play 3-4 times per week with several different groups, doubles and mixed doubles. I’m a 3.5 player…not great but good enough to thoroughly enjoy the sport, the exercise, and the wonderful friends I’ve made.

  2. I felt you were writing about my youth. Very similar youthful experiences to which I would add skiing.

    Thanks for the encouragement! We need to pull the bicycles off the wall and work in our ROI!

  3. Oh man, this is an awesome post! I found myself shouting an “amen” after every other sentence. And of the things that you highlighted two of them especially were truths in my life. Being outside and riding bikes where my happy place. I think it was mainly due to the fact that the goings-on inside of my house were often not good, and tough for a child to endure. But once I walked out that front door life got better, even though I was walking out into an area of Baltimore city that had way more risk then than it does now.

    I love the idea of retiring and reconnecting with things that other folks perceive as childhood activities. I’ve thought about it myself, and to me there’s nothing wrong with that. In a way it kind of makes a beautiful cycle of life.

  4. Excellent post! I am returning to my childhood joys as well. We start our day with a 2 to 3 mile hike with the dogs before work. I love the woods. Fit in a bike ride, or snow shoeing, or cross country skiing when we can. I put a deposit on a mountain bike last week. I like your advice, don’t think too hard about it. Just go do it. I will say we’re adding a dose of volunteer work to help others too.

  5. When I woke up on day one of retirement I realized it was like being 10 years old on the first day of summer vacation. I couldn’t believe I didn’t have to go to work anymore! Ever! I haven’t lost that feeling yet and I hope I never do. When I go to bed at night I can’t wait for tomorrow to come, starting with watching the sunrise along with a cup of coffee and my 2 dogs beside me. A ritual I have enjoyed 365 days a year for the past 8 years, plus 3 months! Retirement, for me has boiled down to 2 things, attitude towards my life, and risk management towards the things I attempt to do because unfortunately my body tells me I’m not 10 years old.

    Great to hear from you Fritz, love your blog, and the more I read about what you do the more I realize how like minded we are. Keep writing! My wife and I are currently on week 2 of the annual fall colors RV trip through the upper Midwest states, returning to Arizona by thanksgiving. With the kayaks and mountain bikes in tow. Ah, the joy of freedom!

  6. Your article hits the mark…remember what you once loved and pursue it! Our generation has the gift of an extended life expectancy….using this time to reconnect with the passions of your youth provides meaning and satisfaction. My mantra when I retired (three years ago) was to be my 14 year old self, except this time with a bank account and a dash of wisdom (trying to avoid too many skinned knees, etc). Over the past three years this mantra helped me reconnect with long forgotten passions…bicycling, running, hiking, motorcycle riding, dogs, and old friends. These passions help fuel purpose, friendship, and adventure. I enjoy your articles and thoughts on retirement! Thx!

  7. Like you, I have fond memories of biking all over the place as a kid…around the block, or to the next town over where we would hit the fast food restaurant (Arthur Treacher’s Fish & Chips), Woolworth’s and the toy store before pedaling home. I’ve always had a bike as an adult, but must admit to not riding it much (I need a bike rack) something I hope to change right after my knee surgery TOMORROW.

    I also loved exploring the woods (“down the bank”), especially the Ramapo River where we’d sometimes see crayfish or other small critters. And I’ve been a lifelong hiker. 🙂

    Fun memories of swimming (or being thrown in) my friend’s pool, or time spent boating and exploring the Jersey shore and flirting with 2 brothers, getting sun-burnt and spending a lot of time walking barefoot.

    Great post and a good reminder.

  8. Just because something was a childhood joy does not mean it should be pursued. I remember as a child promising myself that I would eat all the cereal and watch all the TV I wanted to, when I grew up. Then I grew up. Now, playing around outside seems like a good alternative. That is a joy I can choose to pursue.

  9. Climbing trees was my favorite “me” activity growing up. I grew up on a Midwestern farm, a couple of my trees still exist there, on the land that I am now the caretaker of, since my mom’s death earlier this year. When I walk the barn lot to the north forty, I reminisce about climbing trees. It’s been over 30 years since I’ve climbed, for good reason, at 58 -I don’t want to break anything.
    Great article & thanks for asking us to think about activities from our youth.

    1. I too loved climbing trees in the woods behind our house. I was skinny with long arms and legs and could always climb the highest. Since I also loved reading, I would often take a book, climb a tree and perch up there reading. I don’t know if I’ll be climbing any more trees at 59, but I do love being outdoors, exploring and hiking. And I have been a lifelong reader!

      Although I also think it would be cool to spend a night or two in some elaborate tree house you see on AirBnB… hmmm… maybe a bucket list item…

  10. I loved this post!!! I am in the process of revisiting many of my childhood activities since I retired just under 3 months ago. Many of them I continued to dabble in as an adult, but frequently life got in the way.

    I’m now saying YES to pretty much every invitation to hang out, go see neat stuff, horseback ride, bicycle ride and joint meals. Life is great.

  11. Camping was always one of my favorites growing up as well, Fritz. I loved going as a kid with my brother and cousins and I loved when my high school buddies and I would go. It was just so relaxing and a great opportunity to just enjoy nature and talk and laugh.

    I’ve been lucky that Lisa enjoys it as well. We started taking our daughter, Faith, with us when she wasn’t even a year old. I still have pictures of her napping in a Pack ‘n Play with a blanket over it to keep any bugs out. Faith loves it now as well and we continue to go anytime we can.

    Once we move from Panama back next spring (you knew we’re moving back, didn’t you?!), we’re going to take a massive road trip and spend a lot of the time camping along the way. All of us are super excited about it!

  12. Very nice post Fritz. Retirement is a great time to reconnect with the passions we left behind. As a kid, I was a decent artist, to the point my parents sent me to an art camp. I drifted away from that when girls and jobs entered my life. Earlier this year, I mentioned my old skills to my daughter and she gave me a couple of books on drawing and some pencils. So far I’ve created over 100 cartoons that I share with my extended family. It’s a great hobby and I’m having a blast.

  13. A note to all who left comments, apologies for being absent with my replies on this one, we’ve been in Alabama visiting our granddaughter, and I’ve intentionally stayed off my computer. Ah, the luxury of retirement! I appreciate all of the comments, and I’ve read every one. Thanks for being loyal readers, I appreciate you all!

  14. Thanks for this Fritz. We are at the stage according to the numbers where we can retire. My wife is eligble to start collecting her pension next March and we will both be 55 years old – no kids that did not work out for us. So the big retirement worry that I have and people keep asking, is what will you do for purpose and to occupie your time? We do have family and neices and nephews and a couple great nephews even. But reading this I think so myself while you do need to have a grand plan for your time, is there any reason that much of it can’t be doing the simple childhood activities you mention. We love to bike, Kayak and Canoe (interior camping in Algonquin Park Ontario – been doing it for 30 years), hike and yes while it is not out my back door – swimming in a lake is a special summer treat. With our time all our own I am sure we can find some passion purpose too – but seeing the comments here I think we can count on at least a few years of childhood play in our 50s and 60s. Why not!

  15. Man you are spot on here (as usual). I try to embrace my childhood joy all the time (even before my Accidental Retirement). I bought a $1,200 telescope, so I could spend more time with the stars. I played a lot of golf as a kid, and so now I try to play regularly. I used to go on hikes and travel, and embracing those more as well. Plus, I even bought a Nintendo and Sega and all the games I used to have as a kid (now I play it with my kids). So all in all, yeah, you are right!

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