The Ultimate Retirement Planning Guide

Today, I present The Ultimate Retirement Planning Guide to help you on your journey to retirement, regardless of what stage you’re at in life.

Why today? 

I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the strong subscriber growth over the past few months, and am humbled by the exposure this blog has received.  A sincere “Thank You” to each and every one of you who have recently joined The Retirement Manifesto team!  With so many new readers, I felt it was a good time to compile this Retirement Planning Guide from relevant articles I’ve written over the past 3 1/2 years.

A highlight in recent weeks was winning the “Academy Award” of blogging (The Plutus Award) for the Best Retirement Blog. In addition, I spent an afternoon filming a YouTube show with The Money Guys (see below), which resulted in a surge of new subscribers to this blog.

I also did a podcast with Stacking Benjamins, appeared on the New Retirement show,  and was a guest on Better Money Decisions.  Yeah, it’s been busy since my retirement a few months ago!

Bottom Line:  My readership has grown from the recent coverage, so I’ve compiled this Retirement Planning Guide to help new readers find the most relevant content on my site, all with the goal of Helping People Achieve A Great Retirement (my byline).

The Ultimate Retirement Planning Guide

I don’t expect you to read Every Article Written, though I welcome anyone who’s willing to match “Rick N”, a reader who recently sent me an email saying he’s just finished reading every article I’ve published! Wow, I’m impressed, Rick!  Thanks for your commitment!

Rather than ask you to imitate Rick, today I present The Ultimate Retirement Planning Guide, a compilation of my top articles to help you, wherever you are in your journey to retirement.

The Ultimate Retirement Planning Guide, to help you on your journey to retirement. Click To Tweet

How To Use This Guide

Simply scroll to the section which best represents where you are in life, pick 1-2 articles which interest you, and click on the related link.  If you like what you find, come back and click a few more.  Simple, right?  I hope you find this guide helpful as you chart your journey.

Let’s get started…

Mid-Career Or Earlier

Congratulations for reading a retirement blog in the middle of your “earning years”, you’re ahead of the majority of your peers!  Continue to learn, continue to save and continue to focus on what’s important.  Pay attention to “balance” in your life, and start growing your retirement savings while you have time for compound growth to work in your favor.  Here are some articles to help you as you work to build your wealth.

5+ Years From Retirement, Starting To Think About It

Retirement is starting to enter your mind, but you realize you’ve got quite a few years left before you’ll achieve Financial Independence. It’s been proven that the more time you spend thinking about retirement, the smoother your transition will be.  Congratulations for starting to think about your retirement while you still have plenty of time to make it happen.  Here are some helpful articles as you begin to think about planning for your retirement.

2-3 Years From Retirement, Time To Get Serious

You know it’s getting close, but you’re not quite sure when your retirement date will be.  Use these articles in the retirement planning guide to begin fine-tuning your retirement details.  It’s time to start dreaming, and it’s time to start planning.  Your retirement will be here before you know it.

1 Year From Retirement, Are You Ready?

It’s getting real, in a hurry.  In less than a year you’re going to be retired.  Are you ready?  To help as you finalize your plans, I encourage you to read as many of these as are applicable to your situation.  Congratulations, the years of Freedom which you’ve worked so hard to achieve are almost here.  I hope you enjoy them to the fullest!


You’ve Made It!  You’re running free, no longer held hostage by having to earn a paycheck!  Financial Independence!  Congratulations!  I’ve only recently joined your ranks, but I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to have a Great Retirement.  Hopefully, these articles will help you as you enjoy the best years of your life!

Award-Winning Posts

Regardless of where you are on your journey, you may find these “Rockstar” articles of interest.  Based on the judges over at Rockstar Finance, these are the best articles written to date on this blog.  Most are applicable to any age, and I felt they’d be a good way to wrap up this Retirement Planning Guide.


I hope this Ultimate Retirement Planning Guide helps as you finalize your plans for retirement.  Writing about our journey to retirement has been my passion for the past 3 1/2 years, and it’s been rewarding to compile the best articles into this “user-friendly” format organized by time phases in the retirement planning process.  I’d appreciate if you’d consider sharing this guide with anyone you know who may benefit from its content.   Let’s work together to Help People Achieve A Great Retirement!

Welcome again to my new readers, I trust you’ve found an article that’s relevant for your situation as you’ve reviewed this retirement planning guide.  Thank you for joining The Retirement Manifesto Team, I hope my words are of value as you plot your journey to, and through, your retirement years.

What Can You Add?  What resources did you find particularly useful as you’ve planned for your retirement?  Which article(s) most resonates with you, and why?  Please share resources and suggestions in the comments.  Let’s grow this Ultimate Retirement Planning Guide together by contributing any resources that could be of value to folks who are interested in retirement planning.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS on your award Fritz!! I’m glad to know that the professionals agree with me. 😉😉 You have the best blog all around. Sounds like you’ve been busy doing things you love. So happy for you.

  2. Fritz,
    First off congratulations on your well deserved Plutus Award ! Your blog is helping many people prepare for their retirement journey – and today’s “ Ultimate Retirement Planning Guide “ post really puts it all together. You asked for suggestions, and I do have one… In my last week I sent out the group email thanking everyone for the pleasure of having the opportunity to work with them and how to stay in contact me in my life after work. I was fortunate to receive many complimentary emails back – letting me know the positive impact I made over my working years.

    My suggestion is to print off those emails from your co-workers, and save them in a file.

    After you are retired and are not that “important person” any more , it will be good to have that file to remind yourself that – you did it right , and made a positive impact in your working years.



    1. Great suggestion, and addition to the Planning Guide, Skip. I happened to be cleaning my office last week, and enjoying taking some time to read all of the nice comments in my “big” retirement card that everyone in my office signed. It is rewarding to reflect back on your career success from time to time. Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. Can’t thank you enough for your articles and this newest collection which I plan to read cover to cover. I am a year away from leaving my current job and it scares me to death. Having you and other retirement bloggers has calmed my fears. It will happen no matter what, so I have to get ready for it. You are helping so much.


  4. What an excellent list of articles. I clicked and got two inspirations today. One is the “4 Challenges to Improve Your Retirement”, which I want to reread as I brainstorm on what’s next in my life. A constant assessment I do every year about this time in retirement. The other one “5 Reasons Why Retirement is Hard” gave me a good laugh this morning on the line “I’m now retired, but only on weekends”. I’m so glad that is just a joke, for me anyway. And now you.

    Congrats on your Plutus Award. My only regret is that you weren’t there at FinCon to accept it in person, so people like me could meet you!

  5. Thanks for pulling this together Fritz. I am thinking more and more about pulling the trigger on early retirement and I plan to use a bunch of your posts to help guide me through it. This page makes it easier to find those relevant posts. Your bucket strategy has really resonated with me the most as I think it will help my plan out the flows of our money over the year.

    Congrats on the Plutus Award!

  6. Fritz! Man you are out there and making a difference. Glad to see your site getting more exposure. It is well deserved. And nicely put together post today. I have read all of these…so while I may not be Rick and do it over a weekend, you have a fan here.

    Take care and talk soon!

  7. Your growth is because of…
    a.) you live it
    b) you chronicle it
    c.) you’ve made it
    d.) you are kind
    e.) you are relevant
    f.) you are engaging
    g.) you encourage thought

    Love your stuff, Fritz! You deserve good things.

  8. Fritz – This is my FIRST week of retirement! I found you by “accident”…or was it really? I am so enjoying all of the articles and are using them for my “turn off the TV moments”. I look forward to this journey and just have to say Thank You!

    1. Debbie, CONGRATS on crossing The Starting Line, you’re going to love life on this side of that line. I’m pleased you found my site, and hope you find that it wasn’t by accident! I hope my words help you to Achieve A Great Retirement!

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